Royally Broken by Elle Boon Page 0,49

mouth, so trusting that he wouldn’t hurt her. Her tongue lashed at the rough digit making him wish it was his dick instead, making him groan as he pulled it back. “I think it’s me who’s gonna get burned, baby.”

Her blue eyes sparkled. “I might not be very good this.”

Keys looked at her, then at the open door to the bedroom where they’d put the baby. “Trust me, if you were any better, I’d probably make a fool of myself.”

“What do you mean? We haven’t—I haven’t—you and I. Oh, lawd, I’m totally bumbling this.” She pressed her face against his chest.

Keys took one of her hands in his, pressing it against his fly. “Just the thought of being with you has had me hard all damn day. You sucking my thumb, just about made me ready to come in my jeans, Palmer. I can promise you, that hasn’t happened to me since I was a teen.”

She stood on her toes, tugged on his shirt, trying to bring his face down to hers. “Let’s get something straight before we go any further. I don’t want to hear about you and your escapades with other women. Ever. Are we clear?”

He gripped the back of her hair in one fist, giving it a slight tug. “Oh yeah, perfectly. I promise there will be no talk of others. In fact, I’m a virgin.”

Bending, he covered her smiling mouth with a kiss, taking her next breath inside his mouth. There may have been other women, but none meant what Palmer did. He’d never taken advantage of a woman, always made sure he treated them with respect, yet he’d known there was only one who was meant for him. He had never thought she would ever find him, let alone be attainable. Now that he had her in his arms, he didn’t give a flying fuck who his parents were or supposedly were. He had his own money, his own family with the Royal Bastards. They’d become his brothers and now their ole ladies his sisters. With Palmer and Jaxson, they would be his as well. A family he’d never thought to have. A broken boy made whole by the one who had filled all the cracks in his life since.

“You’re thinking too hard. Am I not doing it right?” Palmer asked.

Keys realized he wasn’t making sure Palmer was his center. His mind tended to run fifty thousand scenarios at a time. Like a computer, he shut everything down, but the most important one. Focusing on pleasuring his woman.

“You’re doing everything just right.” He swooped down, one hand behind her legs, lifting her into his arms. “Let’s see if I can convince you just how good you and I can be. If I do anything you don’t like you tell me, and we’ll talk about it.”

“I noticed you didn’t say stop.” She gasped as he lay her on the bed.

“That’s ‘cause you gotta trust me. I won’t do anything that isn’t for your pleasure.” Keys leaned over her, taking in the way she looked kinda disheveled but not. He planned to make her totally disheveled in a few minutes. But first he needed to make sure the baby was still sleeping and comfortable.

“What’re you doing?” Palmer asked, half sitting up.

He put a hand on her chest between her breast. “Stay right there. I’m just going to make sure he’s comfortable and turn that sound machine on you had me get. Don’t want to wake him with your screams.” He winked. The cot was several feet from the bed and nowhere near any windows because Palmer didn’t want any light to stream in, inadvertently waking him. Keys had the curtains drawn so that wouldn’t have been an issue anyhow, but he’d agreed because of safety. Not that he worried anyone would try to break in since nobody in town knew they were in his rooms, but in his experience, it was best to be safe than sorry.

The sweet pink blush that stole up her chest and face was one of the prettiest things he’d ever seen. His cock jerked, demanding to be released and give him room. Keys turned the little noise machine on, double checked Jaxson was sleeping, before going back to Palmer. She lay where he’d left her, looking even more sexy than if she’d been completely naked. Of course, he planned to have her without her clothes in short order, but he also wanted to savor this moment. “Fuck, you’re so damn beautiful. Copyright 2016 - 2024