Royally Broken by Elle Boon Page 0,29

garbage for good.

“Ah, there there, I didn’t mean to bring up such an awful subject. Why I know you’ve just buried him and all. At least you have this beautiful little boy as a memory, something to hold onto of him for all time.” Lauralei patted her arm.

Palmer didn’t correct her; didn’t tell her she had buried everything there was to do with Thomas Kincaid in that grave. Nor did she tell her she hated the man she’d married. She just nodded, letting her think what she wanted. “I just came by to pick up a few things for little man here. He’ll be a year old in a few weeks. I want to get him a few more things to try to eat. I’m weening him,” she said, feeling the loss, yet knowing it was time.

“You did so good. Lots of young girls nowadays don’t nurse no more. Not that formula isn’t good, but nothing can replace mama’s milk. If you need any help you holler.”

Palmer nodded, pushing the stroller with her sleeping son inside. She’d thought about grabbing a grocery cart, but since she was only picking up a few things for him, she figured she’d just add them to the bottom of his stroller. Small towns had their perks. Gah, she couldn’t believe she even thought that. With the bastard’s life insurance, her plan was to move as far from Lionsville as she could get.

She’d set up a time to meet Silas when Jaxson slept. Her son being the little bugger he was decided his sleep schedule was when he chose and well, he was now out. Palmer had learned that little ones decided when they slept and she just rolled with it, mostly. Since he was cutting teeth, he was a little more irritable than normal, which was why she had him out of the big house her grandparents owned. Plus, she didn’t feel at home there any longer, not since that fateful day she’d all but been sold off to the Kincaid’s. Nope, not going there. She’d rented a suite at the B&B without telling anyone in her family, expecting a huge blowout after her revelation, or as she was calling it, her ticket out of Hell.

Even now she could see the anger in her grandfather’s face as the lawyer had read the will, his clipped tone giving her complete ownership to the home which she’d already put on the market. If she ever stepped foot in the place again it would be too soon.

Her mind went back to the night before Thomas had died.

“Come on, Palmer, you know I love you. Put the boy down and let me suck on them titties.” He leered, stumbling to the side.

Palmer cuddled Jaxson closer to her, the little boy’s hand kneading her chest as she fed him. “Thomas, you’re a sick bastard. Either you sign those papers, or I will make sure you lose everything. And don’t think I haven’t made a contingency plan in case you decide to do something crazy. Just sign the papers and you and I can go our separate ways. Go find one of your side chicks or dicks,” she sneered. Inside she was shaking, glad her son hid it from the man who looked angry enough to commit murder. All she wanted was his signature and then once she had her son safe, she’d help save the others.

It had been a stroke of luck that she’d caught him with his pants down, literally. Video doesn’t lie and with him being the paranoid prick he was, he’d had them installed all around their property. She’d been recovering from giving birth to their son, which again luck had been on her side since she’d conceived within a month of their marriage. Thomas didn’t find a pregnant woman appealing in the least. As soon as he’d found out she was pregnant, his attraction had disappeared. Or maybe it was his need to abuse during the act, but not being able to out of fear he’d make her miscarry that did it. They couldn’t afford for her to lose the next Kincaid heir.

“I was drunk,” he roared, raising his hand as if he was going to backhand her.

“What you were or weren’t is not my problem, Thomas. You strike me and everyone in Lionsville and the counties surrounding us will have a copy of that tape and the others I found. Oh yes, did I forget to mention I did some digging? Sorry, darling, but Copyright 2016 - 2024