Royally Broken by Elle Boon Page 0,10

he couldn’t allow her to leave and do what she thought was a good thing.

She shook her head. “Nobody will hurt you again. I’ll tell my PopPop.”

Oh, such a sweet delusional girl. He wouldn’t shatter her world with the truth. Her grandfather, the mayor, was just fine with the status quo of the trash down the dirt road. In fact, if Silas didn’t know any better, he’d bet his left nut the fucker enjoyed seeing him walking around with a limp knowing he’d suffered another beating.

“You best get to school before they send out a search party. If they find you with me, I’ll get into trouble. I can’t risk that right now, Palmer. Please just go,” he begged.

When she bit her lip, looked down at him, then back at the road she’d left, she nodded. “Fine, but I’ll be back.”

He wanted to tell her not to bother but kept his lips sealed. Watching her hurry away, Silas felt as though his world was losing some of its light. Fucking blonde hair, blue eyed, too good for the likes of him Palmer was gonna get him into trouble.

It took him over an hour to make it to the stream off of the river where the water ran clear. There he rinsed his body after taking his clothes off. Luckily, in his world at least, his arm wasn’t broken. Slamming his shoulder against the flat boulder, he found himself able to reset it. The yowl was loud, but nobody came looking for him. Thank fuck Blaire had been drunk when he’d been wielding the ball bat, otherwise, he’d probably done some real damage. As it were, he had some pretty nasty looking bruises marring his body along with burn marks from the taser. How the assholes got off on hurting him, he had no clue, but they’d always enjoyed it.

After soaking in the freezing cold clear water for over an hour, his body didn’t ache as badly as it had before. Slowly, he eased himself onto a rock, looking at his filthy clothes. Blood and dirt coated the shirt and jeans from where he’d crawled, fell, and walked away from the assholes. He looked at the water and the sun. If he dipped them into the water, he could at least get them somewhat clean while the sun would dry them, mostly. Putting action to words, he struggled to scrub the filth off his clothes, wringing them out, and then laid them on a rock to dry.

Exhaustion pulled at him after he was done. Lack of sleep and all that work culminating to make it impossible for him to keep his eyes open. He lay on the rock, letting his eyes drift closed.

He woke with the feeling he wasn’t alone, a sense that he was being watched. Immediately he realized he was buckass naked and a sort of fear snaked through him. Putting his hand down to cover his dick, he looked around, shocked to see Palmer sitting across the river from him.

“Palmer?” he croaked.

“I came to check on you, but you weren’t where I left you, so I followed your tracks.” She pointed toward the trail.

“Why?” He tried to figure out a way to the rock with his clothes without flashing his naked parts, but damn, there really was no hope of that.

“Do you need some help?” she asked in a husky voice.

Ah, sheot, her voice had his dick twitching behind his hand. A full erection was surely not what the little fifteen-year-old needed or wanted to see.

“Err, how about you turn around while I get dressed?” he asked, spinning his finger in a circle.

She smiled, the tilt of her lips so damn fetching he thought for sure his dick was going to jerk right out from behind his hand.

“Why, Silas, if you’re worried about me seeing you, you should know I’ve already seen it. I’ve been here for a good twenty minutes before you woke up.”

He groaned. The little peeping Tammy had watched him while he slept and didn’t say a thing or wake him up. The thought should’ve ticked him off. Instead it made him harder. “That don’t matter none. Turn around, princess.”

Her smile disappeared. “I hate that nickname.”

The way she crossed her arms under her breasts, her lower lip poking out made him want to go over and suck it into his mouth. “Turn around,” he said again with more force.

She sighed, but finally did as asked. “Just so you know, I’ve seen the male penis, and Copyright 2016 - 2024