A Royal Wedding - By Trish Morey Page 0,71

as she’d wanted.

And once she was free, and could choose to be anywhere, Lara had realized that there was only once place on earth that called to her. Only one place on earth she could feel like herself anymore.

How had that happened? When had it happened? How had she put all of her past aside without even noticing it? Because while every word she’d thrown at him in that hotel room had been true, the truth was, there was no point being free, or strong, or alive, without him. None of that held any appeal.

She heard the French doors open behind her. She smiled slightly. They had hardly slept—reaching for each other again and again in the night. Re-learning each other. Revelling in her return, and renouncing their separation in the most intimate way possible. She leaned back into the warm, solid wall of his chest as he moved behind her, marveling at the way her body readied itself for his touch. Her knees felt weak. Her core melted. She even felt heat behind her eyes.

He was hers. He loved her.

Standing in his arms, looking out at the beautiful country of her birth, Lara realized that finally, finally, she’d found the home she’d been looking for all of her life.

She turned to look at him. That hard face. That uncompromising mouth. That tough, warrior’s body. And all of it hers, forever.

Because she’d been given the choice—a real choice this time—and she’d chosen him.

“I love you,” she whispered, though it felt like a shout, a howl, that could be heard from mountain to mountain across the great valley. His mouth curved.

“So you have showed me,” he said quietly. He let his hand trace a path down her body, slipping it inside her robe to her abdomen, where he placed it over the child they’d made. The child they would raise together, in this country they would rule.

And maybe, just maybe, just for them, if they worked hard enough to make it happen, the fairy tales would come true. Exactly as they’d dreamed together, so many years ago.

The Ordinary King


Praise for

Nina Harrington:

Tipping The Waitress with Diamonds

“Witty, warm-hearted and wonderfully emotional, with this novel Nina Harrington once again balances pathos and humour so deftly that readers will be laughing and crying in equal measures as they get swept away by this tender, believable and heartwarming story.”


Always the Bridesmaid

“Complex characters with terrific chemistry enhance Harrington’s simple plot. It’s a delightful effort from a new author to watch.”

—RT Book Reviews

About the Author

NINA HARRINGTON grew up in rural Northumberland, England, and decided at the age of eleven that she was going to be a librarian — because then she could read all of the books in the public library whenever she wanted! Since then she has been a shop assistant, community pharmacist, technical writer, university lecturer, volcano walker and industrial scientist, before taking a career break to realise her dream of being a fiction writer. When she is not creating stories which make her readers smile, her hobbies are cooking, eating, enjoying good wine—and talking, for which she has had specialist training.

Look for Nina Harrington’s new novel,

Her Moment in the Spotlight.

Dear Reader,

I am often asked if the ideas for my stories are based on real life events or situations which I have experienced in person and I hate to disappoint them.

But for this novella I did find my inspiration in the many eco technology projects which are staffed by volunteers in developing countries around the world. Their goal is simple—to give these communities the opportunity to develop a digital future for themselves and their children.

But it did make me wonder about the sacrifices these volunteers make in order to give their time and energy so selflessly and the reasons behind their decision to leave their ordinary lives behind.

How wonderful it would be if one of these volunteers was recognised by the tribal kingdom in Africa they call home, and asked to become a village chief? A king? That is exactly what happens to IT graduate Simon Reynolds. But the only person he truly wants to impress is Kate O’Neill. The girl he left behind in England.

I do hope that you enjoy travelling with Kate and Simon on their journey to discover what and who they truly want in life in the beautiful setting of Ghana in Africa.

I love to hear from my readers so please feel free to contact me through www.ninaharrington.com.

Very best regards,



‘I AM so sorry, Kate, but there is still no sign

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