A Royal Wedding - By Trish Morey Page 0,134

know what would have happened.”

“Do I?” she said softly. “What was it? Tell me.”

He raked a hand through his thick hair, making it stand on end, and looked at her from under lowered brows.

“I don’t know why you want to know all this. I don’t know what it helps. But I’ll be honest. I was falling in love with you. And I couldn’t let that happen.”

She was trembling, but not in fear. In sweet anticipation.

“Why not?”

“The treaty.” He set down his wine glass and stared into her eyes. “The treaty is fundamental to peace in this country. We can’t let anything ruin that.”

The country. Yes, of course that was important. But for once couldn’t he just look at her and let the feelings between them work? Did he always have to let the country get in the way?

“So … do you love me now?” she asked him.

He took a long time to answer. “It’s not fair to ask me that.”

She drew her breath in. “I take that as an affirmative.”

“Take it any way you like. It doesn’t change anything.”

“Oh, yes it does.” Reaching out, she took his hands in hers and gazed up earnestly into his eyes. “Andre, tell me true. Would you marry me if you could?”

She expected him to react badly, to pull away, to claim such a thing had never entered his mind, but to her surprise he didn’t do any of those things. Instead, he looked back at her and said quietly, “I don’t know. I never expect to marry anyone.”

Her hands gripped his tightly. “Find a way,” she begged him. “Oh, please, Andre. Find a way.”

He didn’t promise to do that, but he did lean toward her. This time his kiss was sweet and simple. She closed her eyes and delighted in it, until he finally pulled away. And then she sighed and snuggled down into the pillows.

“I love you, Andre,” she said softly, not even looking at him. “I love you with all my heart.”

He didn’t answer, and when she finally looked up he was gone. Tears filled her eyes, but she smiled through them. He did love her and she knew it. Now what on earth were they going to do about it?


“ANDRE, look!” Julienne cried as they turned up the long, sloping driveway to the castle. “It looks like just about everyone is here already.”

The extended parking lot was filled with limousines, and servants were trundling trunks and clothing racks to and fro.

Andre pulled the Harley up to the entry colonnade. “It’s not surprising,” he said. “The wedding is only a few days away. And royals like to party at things like this for days at a time.”

She sighed. “I was hoping we’d have some time …” Her voice trailed off and she bit her lip. Time for what? She still couldn’t put it into words. “I don’t know. I can’t face all these people. What am I going to say to them?”

“You’ll be fine, Princess,” he told her, chucking her under her chin. “You’ll think of something.”

A sort of despair surged over her. She wasn’t supposed to be here. She was supposed to be in Paris by now, checking out pastry schools.

“Andre, I only came back with you because you said …” She shook her head. Had he really said anything she could cling to? “What I mean is, I’m counting on you to come through for me this time. Don’t leave me waiting at the door with no hope. Don’t do that to me again.”

He looked at her. A part of him was astonished. What did she expect of him? What could he do to change things? He’d never promised to release her from the treaty. He didn’t have the power to do that.

And yet, looking deep into her eyes, he knew exactly what she expected. Would he be able to come through for her?

They went into the castle and the bustle was even worse inside. As they walked through the courtyard toward the dining room, where a late brunch was being served, she saw Alphonso at the other side of the fountain. She stuck her elbow in Prince Andre’s ribs.

“There he is,” she whispered loudly. “It’s Alphie.”

Andre craned his neck and shook his head. “I really don’t see the resemblance myself,” he told her.

She frowned. “What resemblance?”

He met her gaze sideways. “To a baby seal.”

She laughed. “You haven’t kissed him,” she murmured as they entered the dining room.

“And I don’t think I ever will.”

She smiled. “Lucky you.”

He smiled

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