Royal Wedding - Meg Cabot Page 0,43

likes a liar. Think about it, Amelia. How do you feel about your father right now?”

“I . . . I . . . I guess I feel a little confused.”

She snorted. “Nonsense. What you feel right now, Amelia, is hurt. Personally, I’d like to hack off his testicles—the one he has left, anyway—but that would only give Lazarres-Reynolds another crisis to manage. And they may have one anyway, because according to José, this uncle who’s helping to raise her has accepted a lucrative contracting job overseas and is planning on moving the whole family—”

“What?” I didn’t care about Grandmère possibly cutting off my father’s remaining testicle. I was more concerned about the welfare of my newly discovered sibling. “Why is the uncle helping to raise her? Where is her mother?”

“Her mother, Elizabeth Harrison, passed away ten years ago in a tragic Jet Ski accident—”

“What?” I yelled. Every time my grandmother opened her mouth, it seemed, the news got more terrible.

“If you would allow me to finish, Amelia, instead of constantly interrupting, you’d understand. The girl’s mother was a private charter jet pilot—that’s how your father met her. You know how he is about hopping on a private plane every time the fancy strikes him, and he can’t always be bothered to wait for the royal jet. Anyway, apparently they were quite hot and heavy for a time, but then it fizzled out and the woman died while on vacation. I never did agree with personal watercraft, so dangerous, I’m glad we had them banned from Genovian waters.”

I sat there, completely shocked. My father had been in love—in love enough to have a child with someone other than my mother? I was going to have to go back and reread every page of my diaries from that time period to see how I’d missed it. There must have been a clue, some indication of Elizabeth Harrison’s existence. Otherwise, my father was the greatest actor who had ever lived.

Or I was a completely insensitive daughter.

“Like your mother,” Grandmère was going on, “Elizabeth preferred that her child be raised in ignorance of her birthright. She left her in the care of her sister, Catherine, who, by José’s account, is perfectly acceptable, but has questionable taste in men, since she’s married what I believe is commonly referred to today as a ‘bohunk’ who owns a construction business that—”

I’d taken all I could take. “Grandmère, what is Dad thinking? I can understand wanting to keep this girl a secret from the media, but how could he keep her a secret from us?”

Grandmère sniffed and poured herself another drink. “And have your mother find out and think ill of him? Not likely!”

“But why would Mom care? She fell in love and had a kid with someone else, too.”

“That is the point, Amelia. Your father fancies your mother would care . . . as much as he did when she married that algebra teacher of yours. Not that she noticed, cruel woman that she is.”

“My mother isn’t—”

“Here.” Grandmère handed me a dossier. She looked as self-satisfied as Fat Louie after he’s managed to stick his head in my cereal bowl and lap up all the milk. “This is José’s report, you can read all about it. There’s quite a bit about the bohunk. It’s extremely unsettling. He’s a ginger.”

I frowned at her. One of the signs of dementia in older people is a loss of social inhibitions, and that’s certainly true of my grandmother, who barely even bothers to hide her prejudices anymore, especially the one she has against red-haired men. Despite all evidence to the contrary, Grandmère believes that Ron Weasley, not Voldemort, is the villain of the Harry Potter series.

I would totally have ratted her out to Dr. Delgado for this, except that Prince Harry of England and A-list actresses with auburn tresses are completely exempt from her wrath. So she isn’t prejudiced against all redheads, only those she considers socially inferior to herself.

I’m completely demanding an autopsy on my grandmother’s brain when she’s dead so I can see what I’m in for as I age.

“I’m sorry, Grandmère,” I said crisply as I flipped through the neatly typed pages, each stamped with the official seal of the Genovian Guard. “I can understand why it might be dangerous for the girl if the truth gets out—no one should have to grow up with bodyguards and press hounding her the way I did. But these are enlightened times. I really believe, if we handle it properly—even without Copyright 2016 - 2024