Royal Wedding - Meg Cabot Page 0,33

e-mails, texts, and voice mails.

I was kidding about there better having been an international incident. Please don’t let anything bad have happened to my family or friends or kids from the center or the refugees from Qalif or the people of Genovia . . .


3:15 p.m., Monday, May 4

Still in the HELV

Rate the Royals Rating: 1

There hasn’t been an international incident. Well, there has been, but it turns out to be me. Once again, I’m the international incident.

At Long Last:

They’re Engaged!

You heard it here first! She’s officially “When Will He Marry Mia” no more!

Longtime beau—multimillionaire biotech entrepreneur Michael Moscovitz, 29—has finally popped the question to new Number One–ranked royal, Princess Mia Thermopolis of Genovia! has all the vital statistics:

♥ The couple became engaged on the princess’s 26th birthday this weekend during an exotic getaway in the Bahamas.

♥ Before they left, Michael asked Mia’s father—Prince Phillipe Renaldo of Genovia—for her hand.

♥ The ring is a 10-carat sapphire surrounded by diamonds on a platinum band.

♥ The royal wedding will be held this summer at the Genovian Palace in a Catholic ceremony that will be telecast live worldwide to an approximate audience of a billion!

♥ Michael will move his billion-dollar medical business to Genovia, where he and Mia will live in the royal palace once they’re married!

♥ Mia’s grandma: “I’ve always been very fond of Michael.”

♥ Mia is “beyond thrilled,” according to a palace spokesperson.

♥ Divorce lawyers are already drafting prenups.

♥ Bookies are placing odds on July 20 as the early favorite for the wedding date.

The official statement released by the Genovian Palace reads:

The Dowager Princess Clarisse Renaldo of Genovia is delighted to announce the engagement of her granddaughter Princess Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo to Mister Michael Moscovitz, Esq., of New York City.

The wedding will take place in Genovia in the summer of 2015. Further details about the ceremony will be announced shortly.

Princess Mia and Mr. Moscovitz became engaged on her 26th birthday during a holiday this past weekend in the Bahamas.

Mr. Moscovitz sought the permission of the princess’s father prior to proposing.

Following the marriage, the couple will live in Genovia, where the princess and her consort will devote their lives to serving the needs of the people of Genovia.


3:15 p.m., Monday, May 4

Still in the HELV

Rate the Royals Rating: 1

I am going to kill my grandmother.

Michael and I promised we’d tell our parents first (which we were going to do tonight after he gets back from a speech he has to give on neural prosthetics at a medical conference in Elizabeth).

Only now they’re going to hear it first on the news.

Of course I can’t get through to Michael. He took his own town car from Teterboro to the medical conference, and for whatever reason my calls are going straight to voice mail.

Probably he’s already been kidnapped by RoyalRabbleRouser and is being held for ransom in an underground bunker for my exact net worth according to Rate the Royals. Only how am I going to pay it, in scepters?

Seriously, though, I know my grandmother is behind this. But how did she find out?

It had to have been Mo Mo. He was so nice, but she got to him. She gets to everyone eventually.


3:25 p.m., Monday, May 4

Still in the HELV thanks to the horrible

traffic on the Upper West Side

Rate the Royals Rating: 1

Still no Michael.

Am checking all my messages.

Mia, r u back? How was it?

Yes, I’m back. I guess you heard the news?

You mean you didn’t announce it?

Of course I didn’t announce it.

Oh, Mia, I’m so sorry! I did kind of wonder, because the details about the ring were wrong. I was like, “Did Michael get a different ring at the last minute”? And it’s more your style to let your closest friends know about things before announcing them to the press.

You think?

Wait, are you being sarcastic?

Yes, sorry. I’m just upset right now.

I’m sorry! But congratulations, anyway! Were you surprised?

Of course I was surprised! It was amazing. Best trip—best birthday—best time of my life! Until now. Thanks for helping Michael to plan it, anyway.

And you like the ring?

I LOVE the ring. I love love love it. I’m just so sorry you had to hear the news from the press. FYI, I’ve decided not to go on the Internet anymore, especially after all this. You know this morning I saw a majestic stingray leap from the water for the sheer joy of it and now I realize I am wasting too much of the short Copyright 2016 - 2024