Royal Fake Fiance (Dirty Royals #4) - Vivian Wood Page 0,57

coming over and peering over my arm. “The ladybug has tons of spots, which should go on and on, red and black…”

She looks at me, touching my arm. “You're adorable. I mean, you were adorable. But also, that you are now.”

I hand her the sheaf of papers, clearing my throat. “I'll have you know that I did the best out of all my siblings on this specific subject, according to the would-be poet. So there you go.”

She grins, returning the paper to the box and tucking it inside before closing the flaps. “You mind moving this over there?” She points. “I'm trying to make space.”

I grunt and move the box for her. She sort of sighs. “It figures you would be good at that. You're good at everything. When we were in school together, I was often jealous of the fact that you were just effortlessly talented at everything.”

I cock a brow. “It is hard to be in the presence of perfection, I can only assume.”

She shakes her head, continuing as if I hadn’t spoken. “God, remember how we both got really into photography for a while there? You were so good at it. It drove me nuts.”

My lips twitch. “Ja, I think when we were around fifteen years old. I had a dark room installed in the royal palace, as I remember. I spent many hours there for about three months and then…” I shrug.

Her lips curl up. “I think that was right around the age that you discovered how to drive. Another thing that you are just so stupidly good at. Ugh, was there anything that you weren't naturally good at?”

I roll my eyes. “Well, it helps that I came in second to Stellan at basically everything. Not only at being the crown prince, but almost everything else as well. I only look good to you because you aren't witnessing how badly I was beaten in every competition on a regular basis.”

Her eyes narrowed a little on my face. “What? What competitions were you and Stellan part of?”

I turn around, shaking my head. Walking out of the door, I yell back at her. “Anything and everything. Stellan was groomed to be the king from an early age. And I was always kept as his backup. It was fucked up, looking back at it. I didn’t know that at the time, though.”

I walk out into the main area of my apartment, pursing my lips. My eyes roam around, trying to decide which box to pick up next.

Pippa follows me out of the bedroom, a frown on her face. “Give me an example.”

I shrug. “I don't know. When we were in school together, before I was sent to St. Matthews, we would often go head to head over spelling or naming the world capitals. Or really any subject. And it seemed like Stellan, for only being a year older than me, easily had the answers to everything. It wasn't fair, or didn't seem that way at the time.”

Her lips press into a thin line. “That sucks. I’m sorry.”

“My entire life growing up I was compared to Stellan, told that I was the second choice. You know, until Stellan reached eighteen, I wasn’t allowed to do anything fun. Nothing dangerous, nothing risky, nothing that could possibly put me in harm’s way.”

Pippa tilts her head a little. “I remember there being a long list of things you were supposed to do, yes. I also remember that you and I did most of them anyway.” She smiles a little. “Remember when we climbed up that mountain and all the teachers at St. Matthew’s were looking for us for hours? God, we caused much trouble.”

I smile at that. “I remember that we both forgot to wear sunscreen on that trip and we got back to the school and had the worst sunburn ever. I just remember that I couldn't sleep because I was so sunburned.”

Pippa sidles up to me, catching my wrist and pulling me closer. I grab her around her waist and lift her up, my lips lifting as well. “I thought we are supposed to be unpacking things.”

She wrinkles her nose and presses a kiss to my lips. Maybe I was hasty, deciding not to take advantage of the helpers that you offered. I forgot that unpacking things is just so boring.”

A deep rumble slips from my chest. “You know what's not boring?”

Her eyebrows raise a little bit. “What?”

I wiggle my eyes brows at her. “I'm so glad you asked.”

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