Royal Fake Fiance (Dirty Royals #4) - Vivian Wood Page 0,47

is ragged now and I can feel his muscles start to shake as he thrust into me more forcefully, but still taking care not to hurt my. He is nearly there, and I am right there with him.

A final thrust and my world is shattering into a million pieces again as the knot that has been building inside me releases. All those things I'd ever heard and read about mind-blowing orgasms could not compare to this. To him.

He nip at my bottom lip as his eyes roll back, his muscled shoulders flexing and thighs quivering as he filled me. I felt his orgasm pour into me, his cock twitching deep inside of my body. And it is the most exquisite thing that I've ever felt.

He presses his lips against mine and pulls me into a long, deep kiss.



Once I convinced Pippa to fuck me, she was insatiable. We would fuck for hours and hours, catching a quick nap or a bite to eat before tearing into each other again. It felt like something that had been brewing between us ever since I laid eyes on her.

For as long as I have known Pippa, I’ve been half in love with her. And now I had her in my sights. Hell, I had her in my bed, screaming my name.

I was not eager to let her go again.

The only thing that came close to marring our time together was Pippa’s mysterious, unspoken boundaries. If I held her for too long after sex, she would squeeze out of my hold and act skittish about it.

But when I dangled the carrot of fucking in front of her again, she was on board. On board… and hungry for more.

For three days, I canceled my royal duties and just focused on Pippa. Even I am pushed to my limit, operating on almost no sleep.

I’m still sad to leave that little cabin, though. Even for this tour of the European Space Agency’s facilities here in Denmark, which is pretty exciting.

As I place a hand on Pippa’s lower back and rush her up to the European Space Agency building, she glances at my dark blue uniform. I shoot her a questioning look.

“What?” I ask.

She wrinkles her nose, plucking at the hem of her dark dress. “You look handsome in your uniform. That’s all.”

I grin. “You’re having lustful thoughts about me while walking into what is sure to be a big boring meeting?”

Pippa sticks out her tongue at me. I laugh and hold the door open for her. Inside the building, everything is steel and glass, ultramodern in style. We are greeted right away in the lobby by a young woman who bows her head. “Your royal highness.”

I nod. “We are here for a tour of where your astronauts work and train.”

The dark-haired young woman blushes. “Yes, your highness. I’m Ingrid and I’ll be showing you around today.” She curtsies to Pippa, who squeezes my hand hard. She smiles at Pippa. “Ms. Welch. It’s my pleasure to show the future princess around our facilities. If you two will just follow me?”

She turns and opens a door. Pippa and I follow her. Pippa shoots me a wide eyed look.

“The future princess?” she mouths silently. “Oh my god.”

I shake my head, smothering a yawn. Pippa sees me do it and is immediately triggered into a yawn of her own. Ingrid looks back, catching Pippa’s yawn.

“Would you like some refreshment, ma’am? Perhaps some coffee or water?”

She swipes her identification badge and unlocks a set of doors. Pippa smiles at her. “No, thank you.”

Ingrid ushers us deeper into the building, showing us several pristine laboratories and a room devoted to 3D goggles.

“The young woman training in there right now is in a space simulator of the international space station’s tiny food prep area. It’s one of many such exercises that we have our astronauts-in-training run through.”

I nod. “I imagine you have a simulation for almost every scenario.”

Ingrid blushes, seeming uncertain what to do with her hands. “Yes, your royal highness.”

I chuckle. “Please, call me Lars.”

Pippa rolls her eyes. Ingrid tucks her hair behind her ear and gives me a shy smile.

“If you both will follow me, we’ll go down to the spacewalk tank. I believe we should see someone using it…”

I wiggle my eyebrows at Pippa. She shoots me a filthy look.

“What?” I whisper, following Ingrid.

Pippa brushes back her hair, shaking her head. “You just can’t turn it off, can you? Just let the poor girl do her job.”

I smirk. “I don’t know Copyright 2016 - 2024