Royal Fake Fiance (Dirty Royals #4) - Vivian Wood Page 0,33

To my great surprise, she does it right the very first time, as if she has been doing it forever.

“Is that it?” she asks.

“Yep. Now comes the hard part. You have to press the gas pedal while you ease completely off the clutch. It’s a smooth, even transfer, like this.” I mime the pedals switching positions.


Pippa lets go of the clutch too fast and the engine dies. She howls with frustration, hitting the steering wheel. “Stupid car.”

“Come on, come on. Try it again. After you manage this, you can drive.”

She makes a little grr sound but she does try again. And again… and again.

On the fourth try, she nails it. The car lurches forward a few feet. Pippa is so surprised that she takes her foot off the gas.

The engine dies.

I expect her to groan but she doesn’t. Instead she turns to me, eyes shining with excitement, and throws her hands up. “I drove!”

She hugs me, doing a little dance. I freeze for a second, only relaxing when I force a laugh out. “You did. Well done.”

She pulls back, her expression radiant.

Ah. That face she is making, the way her eyes are shining, the cheerful glow in the apples of her cheeks…

I live for that expression.

It doesn’t last long, though. She sighs, rolling her head on her shoulders. “I think that’s rather enough for one day, don’t you?”

I look at her, completely serious. “It’s whatever you want Pippa. We only go on your word.”

A flush rises in her cheeks. She gives me an odd look. “Well, I think I’m done. I’m also freezing. Come on, I think I saw hot cider being poured in the refreshment tent.”

She hops out of the car. I lean over and pluck the keys from the ignition, then follow her.

As I head toward the tent once more, I repress a sigh. For the millionth time, I am reminded of just how deeply in love with Pippa I am.

But at the same time, how much she means to me as a friend. If anything were to happen to our friendship, I would be…

Well, it wouldn’t be good, at least.

Pippa turns, tucking a bit of her red hair behind her ear. “Are you coming?”

I nod. “I am.”

Wishing I had found anyone else in the world to have a fake relationship with, I head into the tent.



I glance at Lars nervously, sucking my full bottom lip into my mouth and abrading it with my teeth. He stands stiffly beside me, his eyes turned forward to the open balcony doors. I slip my hand to his elbow and rest it on his heavy black jacketed arm. He doesn’t seem to notice.

I draw a breath and smooth a hand down my frost blue heavy winter coat. Lars looks over at me, his expression lightening a bit. “I can tell you are stressing too much,” he says. He reaches over and fusses with the white lily that is pinned to my coat. “We are just pretty background decoration, I promise. We won’t be expected to speak.” He rolls his eyes. “This is Stellan’s show.”

I wrinkle my nose. “I just assumed I would watch the King’s speech from the massive audience gathered outside.”

He tilts his head to the side. “That’s Pippa Welch talking. You have to forget about yourself and remember your role. What the palace is expecting is the future Duchess of Marion. I find it is easier to deal with it all if I know to put Lars Love away and bring out Prince Lars of Denmark.”

I nod, pensive. “I suppose so.”

Two of Lars’ brothers, this and that, make their appearance. They stand just behind us in line, coming after Lars in line for the throne. I peer around them to Nika and Erik, who currently have their heads close together, whispering about something.

Behind them are Lars’s silvering father, his mother in royal blue, and his scary but always elegant grandmother.

The whole family is just waiting on the King and Queen now.

There is a commotion behind us. I turn my head and see Stellan and Margot arriving with a flock of secretaries and assistants. I must say, they do look rather royal. Stellan is outfitted in a dark suit and a dark overcoat similar to Lars. Margot is wearing her signature light pink color in her coat and dark heels.

If I didn’t know them as people, I would still think that they made a stunning King and Queen of Denmark.

Margot shoos away one woman who is trying to put a Copyright 2016 - 2024