Royal Fake Fiance (Dirty Royals #4) - Vivian Wood Page 0,23

may be a little newer, but not much.

I glance at Lars, taking a deep breath. He pulls a face. “Can I see the tray that Stellan and Margot chose their ring from?”

“That won’t work,” I say. “If I recall correctly, Stellan already had the ring. Margot didn’t get to choose.”

Lars sighs. “Oh. Well… can we start with the newest rings and work our way back?” He pauses. “You know, Pippa, if we don’t find anything you like, we can always keep looking.”

I shoot him a look, willing him to remember for a second that this is all fake. There is no need for a fancy ring. After all, I’ll only have to wear it for three months.

Etienne steps back. “Yes, your royal highness. Allow me to try again.”

As soon as Etienne’s back is turned, I mouth be nice to Lars. Lars just smirks, shrugging one shoulder. I scowl at him.

When Etienne returns, he holds out a black velvet tray filled with twenty four of the biggest, shiniest rings I think I’ve ever seen. My jaw drops as I take in the array of white gold, rose gold, and platinum settings. There is no way that these rings aren’t worth half a million pounds or more.

“Oh. I think we’ve gone too big,” I say quickly. One ring in particular catches my eye, an enormous square cut diamond with two smaller sapphires on each side, all set in white gold. My fingers itch to touch it.

Lars reads my expression and nods to the tray. “Which one? You want to try it, I can tell.”

I shake my head, looking at Etienne. “These are… they’re beautiful, but they are too much. I want something simpler.”

Lars shoots me a glare. Etienne bows his head, disappearing and reappearing with yet another tray.

This one has rings that are more affordable, that’s for sure. As I will only be wearing it temporarily, I point out the first ring that I see that just seems… reasonable.

“May I see that one?” I ask.

Etienne smiles a bit. “I do apologize, mademoiselle. His royal highness may pick up any of the pieces that he chooses…”

Lars shoots me a smug smile as he leans over and plucks the ring off the tray. “Your hand please, my dear, sweet Pippa.”

I wrinkle my nose, turning to Etienne. “Would you excuse us? I promise, we are not going to steal any of these rings or anything.”

Etienne ducks his head, smoothing a hand down his tie. “Of course, mademoiselle. His royal highness does own them, ma’am.”

He has a point. He leaves, shutting the heavy door behind him. I turn to Lars.

“Quit it,” I warn.

He gives me an innocent look. “What?”


“Make me,” he says, grinning.

I roll my eyes, holding my hand out. He takes my fingers ever so gently, which makes my pulse pick up. I swallow as he looks me dead in the eye, slips the ring on my finger, and gives me the cockiest grin ever.

“Now you’re mine,” he tells me.

My face heats, my heart beating embarrassingly fast. “No, I’m doing you an immense favor because you asked me very nicely. And by the way, I meant it about our fake relationship only lasting for three months.”

A dimple flashes in his cheek. “I was thinking of pushing it out to a year.”

I pull my hand from his grasp, putting a little more space between us. “And I was thinking of changing my mind and saying that I couldn’t possibly be bothered for longer than a month.”

“Six months,” he fires back.

My eyes narrow on his face. “Three.”

He looks me up and down, as if considering my offer. “Four months. And you let me move you into my place temporarily.”

I open my mouth to argue, but he stops me with a gesture. “There is no more haggling. It’s four months. And at the end, you will have your magazine funded. Yes?”

I frown. Four months isn’t a breeze, but it seems doable. I don’t like that he sees my terms as being flexible, though. Alas, that is very typical of Lars.

I clench my jaw. “Fine.”

“Great.” His eyes twinkle. “Now are you sure about this ring?”

I look down at the ring, my mouth twisting. It’s two sizes too large and not the right shape at all. If this little deception was real, if I had to wear this ring forever, then no way. But it’s just a prop.

A very expensive prop, but fake nonetheless.

I nod, taking a breath. “Ja, I’m sure.”

He grins at me, dazzling me with his smile. “Good. Copyright 2016 - 2024