Rounding Third - Michelle Lynn Page 0,78


Why he wanted to talk to me about this, I’m clueless.

He leans against the wall, propping one foot up. “There’s more. The reason I wanted to talk to you about it was, it’s for the baseball team in your hometown, Beltline.”

My heart drops to my stomach. If I went back there and played, the town would crucify me for sure.


“I guess a few of their players came from Beltline, and he figured you and Braxton would like to be a part of it. He’s trying to get money for medical expenses. He’s related to your old coach, Dean Weathers.”


“Now, Lynch, if you don’t want to play, you don’t have to. I talked to Brax about it earlier, and he’s game, for obvious reasons, but I’ll give you a pass.”

A pass to look like a selfish pussy? No, thanks.

“I’ll do it.” I barely swallow the baseball-sized lump in my throat, envisioning standing on third with piles of nacho containers, popcorn buckets, and plastic cups sprinkled at my feet, courtesy of my hometown.

A smile emerges on his face, and he claps me on the shoulder. “I’m glad to hear it. The coach from Bradley had his doubts, but I knew I pegged you right. A stand-up man.”

Stand-up man, my ass. I ran from that town last time, and I’d be lying if I said my toes weren’t itching now.

“Now, go out there, so I don’t lose face. I’ll wait a minute.”

I rush to the doors and am about to push them open when he calls out, “It’s in a month, Crosby. Don’t forget the newspaper article, too.”

“I won’t.”

Shit, shit, shit.

I jog out to the field, my bag swinging back and forth. Brax is throwing with Derek King. The two of them side-glance me as I pass them to get to Coach Deacon.

“About time. What took you so long, Sally?” Brax asks.

I eye him for a second. A silent conversation transpires between the two of us.

He stands from squatting, holding his hand up to halt Derek. “You good?” he asks.

I never slow my legs, nodding at him.

We both know I’m not, but we pretend different.

For the entire practice, Ella sits in the dugout. Her feet are propped up on the wall as she pops a piece of gum in her mouth, showing how good she is with her tongue by blowing bubbles. Damn, I keep having to shift my stance. Each time I have a break, our eyes meet with a singe of fire burning between us.

“Seriously, stop eye-fucking your girlfriend.” Ollie throws the ball, hitting me square in the arm.

I pick it up, rocketing it back to him a little harder than I usually do.

“Don’t play,” he warns.

I raise my eyebrows in the air. “Do you think I can’t back it up?” I ask, ready for the challenge he’s sure to throw at me.

Ollie’s one of those guys who can’t turn down a challenge even if it were something that would harm his position on the team.

“Coach!” he screams.

I shake my head.

“Can Lynch and I play?”

Seriously, he sounds like we’re seven—strike that, three.

“It’s in the bull pen.” Coach Deacon gives us his blessing.

We don’t even have to get the damn cutout because Saucey runs back there, positioning it in center field.

“Here she is, in all her glory,” Saucey says, admiring the pinup-model cutout like it’s Jen.

“Don’t drool too much. This one can’t suck your dick.” Ollie tosses a ball in the air. “You’ve got three holes, Third Base. Let’s see what you got.”

I glance to Ella in the dugout, who’s clearly appalled by the naked girl who has holes cut out where her tits and pussy would be with a sign that says, Nail me three times, and you’re the winner. She knows better than to come out to the field though because Coach would then make her go to the bleachers.

Ollie laughs next to me. “Seems the girlfriend doesn’t approve.”

Saucey joins in the laughter as I watch Ella shaking her head in disbelief.

“What do I get for this? I’ve already claimed the master room for second semester.” I eye Saucey, who flips me off.

“How you got her to fall for you in a week, I’ll never know,” Saucey says.

“It’s all faith, my young lad,” I joke, slapping him on the back. “Try monogamy sometime, and you’ll see.”

“Fuck that shit.” Saucey circles behind me.

“You’re missing out.” I look toward Ella again and wink, earning me a wave and a thumbs-up. “See? She wants me to kick Ollie’s ass even if I am Copyright 2016 - 2024