Rounding Third - Michelle Lynn Page 0,67

food. Not to mention, you’re probably up to one hundred ‘likes’. Squash it, Cros,” she repeats before leaving the room.

I grab my phone off my desk, and she’s wrong. We’re at five hundred. What the fuck? I don’t even know half of these people. What a dickhead move, going into that cave with Kendra. To say she took it bad when I left her to stop King’s hand from moving along my girl’s skin is an understatement.

I pop my head into Brax’s room. Empty.

I open my bedroom door, knocking on Oliver’s. Empty.

My last resort is Saucey, and I fear what I’ll interrupt, but I need Kendra’s number, so I knock.

“Come in,” he says.

I walk in, closing my eyes, pretending to feel around.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“I like my eyesight, and I can’t be blinded by the image of you fucking Jen.” I pretend to touch every surface, and a wad of paper hits my nose.

“She’s not here.”

I open my eyes and am surprised by, first, the cleanliness, and second, no girl.

“I need that Kendra girl’s number, the one from today.”



“Been there. Ella see?”


“She giving you hell?”

“Nope, just wants it off.”

He pulls his phone out of his pocket and scrolls through his contacts. I get my phone armed and ready to enter.

“She’s pretty cool, huh?” he asks, a tinge of jealousy in his voice.

“The coolest.”

“You didn’t make out with Kendra today, did you?”


“Maybe, one day, you can tell me how you push all this pussy away.”

I don’t answer because he’s not searching for pointers. Some guys aren’t capable of committing.

“You got that number?”

“Yeah.” He rattles off the number, and I type it in my phone.

“Thanks. I’ll see you at dinner,” I say.

Before I leave, he calls out, “Hey.”

He stands from his desk and breaks the distance, holding his hand out to me. I shake it.

“Congratulations. You win.”

Shit, I forgot all about the bet. “The room is only a bonus.”

“Yeah, I figured. You still have to keep her until Christmas.” He raises one eyebrow in a challenge.

“Done deal. She can’t leave me.” My ego is getting ahead of itself.

“Go.” He waves me to the door.

I shut his door and immediately dial Kendra.

“Crosby!” she screams.

A screeching round of girls behind her also scream. What the fuck?

“How did you know it was me?”

“You programmed your number in, baby. Don’t you remember?”

“Um, no, I didn’t. Listen, I need the picture to be taken down.” I close my door and sit at my desk.

“Why? I thought it was a good way of telling everyone that we’re dating.”

Did I suddenly get cast in the new version of Psycho?

“Um, we’re not dating. I’m dating Ella.”

“Crosby,” she whines.

I start playing with a pen on my desk. “Kendra, I apologize if I gave you a false pretense of what we were, but we didn’t do anything, and that picture implies we did.”

“That would be the point, silly.”

The tone in her voice and her inability to actually have a conversation about real events, tells me she’s sitting in the room of sorority girls, armed with their phones to spread the lying gossip.

“Listen”—my voice turns stern—“nothing happened, and I’ll make that clear if you don’t. Unless you want me to embarrass you through Instagram, Snapchat, and any other social media, you’ll delete the picture. I’m with Ella, and that’s the end.”

Nice and to the point.

“No, that’s not the end.”

I hear a door close on her end.

“You can’t go around and embarrass me like that. Everyone heard Ella’s screams, and I had to answer questions about what happened between us. I refuse to be tossed aside for some plain Jane. I’m Kendra Quentin.”

Oh, shit, call the ward. I have a mental case on my hands.

“I said I was sorry. Now, grow up, Kendra, and delete the picture.”

“You should see all the girls looking up to me now that I scored with the new third baseman,” she continues.

My patience is about dead.

“Either delete it, or I’ll comment how nice it is for a girl to prefer the au naturel look. Beaver Kendra has a good ring, yeah?”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Try me.”

A long pause of silence commences, and if it wasn’t for her seething breaths, I’d think she’d hung up.

“Fine. I’ll delete it.”

Finally, she’s back with the sane people.

“While I’m on the phone. I want to see it disappear from my Instagram account.”

I put her on speaker and pull up Instagram.

“Ugh, I really don’t understand why you are slumming it with her. She’s cute and all, but she’s not me. You know how much my daddy Copyright 2016 - 2024