Rounding Third - Michelle Lynn Page 0,33

makes you happy, I’ll apologize.” Crosby digs his hands into his pockets and sheepishly looks over to me. “Is he what you want?”

Our eyes lock again, and there’s something in his gaze. It’s genuine honesty, which only shows how much he does love me. To forgo me for Liam shows how selfless he is when it comes to me.

“Well?” He cocks that eyebrow, and that sweet guy gets replaced with his cocky, self-assured side because we both know I don’t want Liam.

“Don’t worry about it, Crosby.”

I purposely don’t answer the question, and he doesn’t push the subject.

“Saucey, you mind walking the girls home?” he asks.

Saucey jogs up to the other side of Jen.

We walk for five minutes in complete silence, except for the few drunken students who pass us by on the way to their apartments.

“He really likes you.” Saucey’s head peers past Jen.

I stare at him, and he quickly slides back.

“I think he was making sure you were aware that Liam was slime,” Jen says.

“Are you taking his side?” I ask.

Her hand grips my shoulder. “I always have your side,” she confirms.

I’m sure, if I looked up, I’d see she and Saucey were sharing a look. A look that I overreacted and maybe I did, but tonight I want to duck under my blankets and hide from life.

We enter the apartment, and Saucey doesn’t seem to know what to do, if he should go or stay. I sulk on the couch, ready to drown my pity of a crappy love life in a slew of Lifetime movies. Seeing others happily ever afters should help me. Jen doesn’t know anything about my past with Crosby, and I’m not in the mood to fill in the holes now.

“I’d like to be alone,” I lie.

There isn’t anything they can do.

“Are you sure? I can run out and get some ice cream or cookies.” Jen sits on the edge of the couch.

Saucey is already halfway to her bedroom. I’m surprised he knows the way. Their whole relationship is something I need to question her about later.

“Yeah, go.” I flick on the TV, shooting her an I’m-fine look with my smile.

She stays put, contemplating, but Saucey widens his eyes toward her at the doorframe of her bedroom.

“Okay. I’ll be right in there if you need me.”

“You can bet I won’t be interrupting you two.” I arch my eyebrows, silently asking, What the hell is going on with you guys?

She pats my leg. “If you need me, knock.”

“I won’t.”

She stands up and ventures toward Saucey, and the two of them disappear through her bedroom door.

I drown my sorrows in a Lifetime movie about a call girl who falls in love with one of her clients.

My heart aches for Kedsey, to have her arms around my shoulders, agreeing with me that Crosby is a dick. I rub my chest wishing I could soothe the pain that continues to rest there from her empty spot in my life.

The next afternoon, I have a meeting with Phil Trickle, the sports physician for all of Ridgemont’s teams. Lucky for me, I get to accompany him to see the baseball players for their physicals today. I’m being sarcastic, of course.

“Ella, how are you?” he asks, studying his paperwork on the makeshift table set up for us outside the bathroom.

“I’m good, thank you.” I sit down next to him, shrugging off my light jacket that I wore with the cooling weather.

Dr. Trickle is an attractive man for his age. Maybe mid-forties, and if his charming smile isn’t appealing, the gold band adorning his left hand is, too. He constantly brags about how beautiful his wife is and how smart his kids are. He’s kind, and he has always been willing to help me with any questions I might have. Last year, there was a charity dinner for the girls’ softball team. His wife attended and matched him on the sweetness level.

“So, Coach Lipton tells me you know some of these guys?”

Man, news travels fast.

“I do, but I promise—”

“I just meant, if you’d rather not be in the room with me when I do their test, it’s understandable.”


Yeah, seeing Brax, Ollie, and Saucey turning and coughing isn’t really something I want to witness. Crosby, on the other hand…

“That’d be great,” I say.

“Great. Then, how about you do the paperwork?” he asks, handing me a stack of papers.

“Sounds good.”

“You have to check their cup before and after they come out. Make sure everything highlighted is filled out and signed. What am I saying?” Copyright 2016 - 2024