Rough Country - Lauren Landish Page 0,135

should probably get some of that thanks. I wouldn’t have known you needed me if he hadn’t called Mom.”

Unc grins devilishly. “You haven’t told him that I know that, have you?”

“No?” I drawl out slowly.

“Good. Haven’t gotten my pound of flesh outta him yet,” Unc says, laughing. I’m reasonably certain he means it, though, and I wonder how much he’s taken from Doc’s coin jar. Card shark, indeed.

I swat at his shoulder, truly smiling for the first time in a couple of days. “You’re awful!”

His shrug says he won’t argue with that. “Look, Willow . . . I might be better, and I hope to get even better than this.” He gestures to his baggy jeans, white T-shirt with a Ford logo on it, and his old boots. He doesn’t mean his clothes, though. He means what’s inside him, the battle he’s still fighting on a cellular level.

“But I’m getting old—don’t tell anyone I admitted that or I’ll have your hide.” He glares for a split second before his expression softens again. “Having you here has been nice, knowing that I could leave the bar in good hands if I needed the day off or wanted to go fishing. Like, actually fishing.” He suddenly beams brightly. “I tell you I caught a ten-pound trout last week?”

“No. Is that good? Big? Small? I have no idea.”

He shakes his head mournfully. “See, that’s what I mean. I need to take you fishing, show you how it’s done. I’ve skimped on my duties as your uncle and not taught you things I’m supposed to.” He pauses, swallowing thickly. “I guess what I’m asking is . . . will you stay? Here in Great Falls? At the bar? With me?”

I blink, knowing what that question cost him. The man who wants to stand alone, independent to a fault and grumpy beyond reason. But he wants me to stay and help.

I nod but then shake my head. “I don’t . . . did you hear about . . . ?”

Unc’s lips press into a thin line, making the lines that foretell of his years of smoking stand out. “I know something happened with you and Bobby, and I’m damn sorry. That pretty little heart of yours doesn’t deserve to hurt, ever. But even though that didn’t go the way any of us thought it was going to, would you still move out here? I don’t trust the bar to anyone but you.” He smiles, lightening the moment. “Well, Olivia, maybe. But don’t you tell her I said that, either. Besides, you’re family, so you get dibs.”

“I don’t know. It’s all so fast, and right now, it’s . . . hard to imagine being here without him.”

“I can understand that. I love you, Willow-girl. No matter where you are, you’ll always have a place to come home to. I just hope it’s six days a week, lunch to close, with the occasional day off for fishing or whatever it is you young’uns call it these days.” He does the air-quote thing with his fingers, not bending them in the slightest, which makes me smile.

“I love you too, Unc. Let me think about it, okay?”

After Unc drops me off, I can’t keep still. He’s right. What I needed was a distraction, and he has definitely offered a big one to keep my mind occupied.

Can I officially move to Great Falls forever?

What would that look like after my short-term lease is up? I’m sure I could renew it and stay, though I’d definitely take over the rent from Mom since this time, it’d be my choice to stay.

Can I afford that? Between my wages at Hank’s and my blog profits, I definitely can and then some.

My blog. I’d been so nervous that the new surroundings would go over like a lead balloon. Who wants to see a picture of the same mountain day after day? But my following has increased with every picture of that mountain, Shayanne’s goats, Darla’s doughnuts, sunrise and sunset, and what my life in Great Falls is like. Every little detail seems to intrigue people. City life can be beautiful, no doubt about that, but country life has a different ease about it that calls to people’s wanderlust, making them wish for an opportunity like the one I’ve got. And my hits, comments, and likes reflect that.

But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows, as much as I’d like to wish it were.

If I stay, there will be no Bobby. The Tannens and Bennetts, people Copyright 2016 - 2024