Roses Are Red - Miranda Rijks Page 0,26

mussels followed by lamb.

‘My ex was allergic to everything. I think it was just an excuse not to have to eat with me. So it’s a real thing, then, this peanut allergy?’

‘Yes. I have an EpiPen. My daughter used to have a peanut allergy, too. Anyway, tell me about you. I gather you’re a solicitor.’

‘Yes, a boring, old solicitor. I go skydiving at the weekends to try to shed the aura of being a grey dullard.’

‘Really?’ I ask, my eyes widening at the thought of his bulk hurtling through the sky.

He guffaws. ‘No, of course not! Can’t stand heights. I’d leave a crater in the ground when I landed. What about you? Do you have any hobbies?’

‘I don’t have much time to myself, what with working and looking after the children.’

‘I don’t have children,’ he says as he tears off a large chunk from the white bread roll on his side plate.

‘Oh,’ I say lamely. ‘Mine are twelve and fifteen. Tricky ages, especially Mia, who is fifteen going on twenty-one.’

‘When did your husband die?’ he asks.

‘Quite recently.’

When I glance up at him, he is staring at me, no doubt wondering why I’ve started dating already.

I fill the silence.

‘We were going to get divorced, but then he died.’

‘His loss, my gain.’

I have no answer to that statement. Fortunately, the starters arrive quickly, and Rory breaks a mussel and pops it in his mouth. After a few moments, his chin is smeared with buttery slime.

‘Jane had an affair with her boss. Broke my heart, it did. They’re married with kids now. Anyway, where would you like to go on holiday? I’m planning a trip to Florida next year.’

I nearly choke on my mousse. Is he suggesting that I go with him? ‘I’m sure it’ll be lovely. We haven’t got any holidays planned.’

He shoves his empty plate to one side and lunges for my right hand. I pull it away just in time, but Rory doesn’t seem to mind. He smiles at me while I try not to look at the little smudge of butter on his wobbly double chin.

We both start talking at the same time and then conversation dries up for a bit. It’s a relief when the main courses arrive.

We’re only a few mouthfuls in when he says, ‘I’ve got a bottle of champagne in the fridge and some fancy ice cream in the freezer. Thought we could have dessert back at mine.’

Oh, good heavens. Surely not! Is this normal behaviour for a first date? I scramble around for a suitable response and feel my cheeks reddening. His eyebrows are raised as he looks at me expectantly.

‘I’m sorry. I don’t…’

‘Too soon? Next time, hey? How are you set for next Friday?’

‘I’m sorry, Rory. You’re a lovely man, but the chemistry isn’t there for me. I don’t think–’

‘Just because I’m a few stone overweight doesn’t mean I’m not a considerate lover, Lydia.’

I cringe. I have got to get out of here. Now.

‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cause offence. It’s probably just a bit too soon for me to get involved with anyone.’

He turns a shade of deep cherry as he finishes off the last morsels on his plate.

‘It’s not fair, Lydia. You can’t lead people on.’

‘I’m very sorry. I didn’t mean to. Please let me get the bill.’

‘Absolutely not. Tonight is my treat. Perhaps next time–’

‘It’s been a pleasure meeting you, but there won’t be a next time.’ I feel like a total heel now. Rory looks crestfallen. I feel sorry for this man. He is gentle and humourous, and he does have lovely eyes. I wonder for a moment. Could I be with someone who I don’t find sexually attractive? If we got on well, we could be travel companions and share a laugh.

And then I kick myself. These thoughts are ridiculous. I have only just started dating and I am far from desperate. Besides, the very last thing the kids need right now is a stepfather.

I stand up. ‘Thank you for a lovely meal.’ He waddles around to my side of the table and I just manage to dodge his flabby lips so he kisses the air. ‘It was a pleasure to meet you. And I wish you the best of luck with your dating,’ I say.

‘You too,’ he says quietly. I collect my bag and walk away.

As I slide into my car, I let out a yell. If that’s what dating is all about these days, I’m not interested. Thank goodness Cassie is at our place and Copyright 2016 - 2024