Rose Gardner's Florist (The Providence Street Shops #2) - Bonnie Dee Page 0,59

he spoke slowly. “I must insist you not speak to Rose in that manner. Nor will I tolerate your suggestion that she act as my paid companion. You need not speak on her behalf. This young woman has built a business without any aid from you. She is capable of managing her life and making all decisions concerning her future without your interference.”

The red-faced drunk raised a shaky finger and jabbed it toward the distinguished gentleman who towered over him. “You—”

“No more disrespect, please, Mr. Gardener. Am I understood?” Will thundered, but in a low rumble like a distant storm. There would be lightning, hail, and torrential downpour if it arrived. “I would not wish for Rose to be permanently alienated from family, so I will attempt to remain forbearing. But I warn you, my patience is near its end.”

Rose caught her breath. In an alcohol haze, her father was beyond reason enough to fight men much larger than he. Any second he might take a swing at Will.

Instead his fury abruptly abated like a beaten pit bull slinking from the ring. He even bowed his head. “Point taken, mate. My misunderstanding. Wouldn’t want to offend a future son-in-law, eh?”

Her father held out his hand, and for the first time Rose noticed how gnarled his fingers were. Dad had become an old man, weak and whining rather than the dominating figure of her youth. He was pathetic.

Will did not hesitate to shake. “I’m happy we understand one another and pray there will be no further discord in the future, Mr. Gardener. I’m certain we both wish Rose nothing but happiness.”

“Yes. Yes, sir. That’s all I ever wanted for my kids.”

“Then we shall drink together and speak no more of the matter.” Will took a small sip from the glass, although his tight-lipped expression suggested he would rather pour its contents over her father’s head.

“Hear, hear,” Dad agreed before finishing the rest of his beer. With a mumbled excuse, he sidled away.

Rose had no words. Her mind was a stew of embarrassment, anger, surprise, and satisfaction at how neatly Will had handled her troublesome parent. She’d never seen anyone vanquish her dad with words alone.

Will found a table on which to set the glass, and visibly shook off his tension before facing Rose again. “There might be some interesting holiday dinners ahead for us, that is, if you’ll agree to marry me.”

“How is it possible his rudeness did not put you off? And how can you want to marry me? Can you imagine my interview with your family would go much better?”

Will put his hands on her shoulders and peered into her face. “How can you imagine that anything can stop us from having what we want? The most important question is do you share my feelings even a little?”

He paused, frowning. “I am aware I’ve moved too quickly from first meeting to declaration. The trouble is I have waited years to meet a woman I would want to spend my life with. I had accustomed myself to the idea of being forever alone. So when I met you and a light switched on inside me, I could not bear to turn it off again. I know what I want without hesitation or reservation. It is you, Miss Rose Gardener, if you’ll have me. Given more time, do you think you might come to love me and accept my proposal?”

She’d dithered back and forth concerning her feelings for Will for days now, but when she cut through the brambles of indecision, what was left? A single perfectly formed rose.

“Yes,” she blurted as realization dawned. “Yes, Will. I feel the same strong feeling for you! I can’t think why I fought so hard against it. Whatever challenges face us, be it our families or society, we will overcome. I will continue to see you, and one day soon, I expect to accept your proposal.”

If the expression “beaming with joy” had an illustration, it would be Will’s expression at her words. He slid his hands down her arms to grasp her hands and press them to his lips. “My darling, you have made me the happiest of men.”

Rose laughed for if she tried to speak the knot in her throat would come undone and she would start sobbing. Damn the wedding guests or what anyone thought, she threw her arms around his neck and pulled his face to her level so she could kiss him.

Will’s arms tightened hard around her, holding her fast Copyright 2016 - 2024