Rose Gardner's Florist (The Providence Street Shops #2) - Bonnie Dee Page 0,55

smile on her wan face. Will caught sight of Rose and he poured her a cup. “Good morning. How is your head today?”

“Nothing an aspirin powder won’t cure,” she replied. “What about you, Candace? Feeling any better?”

Candace’s brown eyes sparkled. “Much better, and I have both of you to thank for it. When I think of how things might have gone, my gratitude will never cease. It seems as if I will soon be completely free of Edward Merker at last.”

“I am so glad. Now, you must rest today and recover I should go down and sort out what to do about the flowers. Perhaps it is not too late to get something fresh from the market.”

“Your daily order is already here. I helped the farmer carry the flowers inside,” Will said calmly. “Sit and have the eggs I made for you. While I go and put the flowers in their display buckets, you and Miss Sweet catch up.”

“But you haven’t had a proper rest. You slept on a floor last night. I really can’t sit while you do my work.”

“You may for a few minutes. Please don’t argue.” Will stood and guided Rose into the chair he’d occupied. It was still warm.

After he left, Rose inhaled the calming fragrance of tea rising from her steaming cup. “Do you still feel dizzy or have any residual effects?”

“None at all. Truly, I am well and happier than I have ever been. In France, I was as constrained by Madame Brodeur’s strict rules as I had been at home. For the first time in my life, I may do whatever I please with no one controlling me.”

“Whatever you decide to do with your life, I’m certain it will be great, although I do hope you’ll remain my assistant for a time.”

“Of course! Mr. Carmody promises he will make certain the legalities of attaining my rights are sorted out, so I will certainly help in the shop today. That Mr. Carmody of yours is a very remarkable gentleman.”

“He’s not my Mr. Carmody, but yes, he is a good friend.”

“More than a friend I think. He is clearly in love with you.” Candace smiled.

“No. He may have some romantic ideal of who I am, but he doesn’t really know me.”

“I think he does, and I believe you are in love with him too. Why would you fight against it?”

“You are not naïve, Candace. You know a gentleman of his station could never marry a commoner like me.”

“If ever there was a man who didn’t give a fig about bloodline or society’s censure, it is he. Come now, Rose, you are a suffragette who believes in equality. Why would you rate yourself as somehow lower than Mr. Carmody?”

Rose shrugged. “His family would never accept me, and if he ever met mine, he’d run away screaming. The two of us together would be like a dandelion and orchid in the same bouquet—just wrong.”

“Both are plants which require water, adequate light, and proper soil to grow. They are the same beneath their differences and each beautiful in a different way. Don’t allow a chance at happiness to slip away due to a lack of faith in your worth.” Candace touched Rose’s hand. “I could not bear to see you unhappy, and I fear you will be if you don’t open your heart to the love Mr. Carmody has to give. You deserve him, and he deserves you.”

Rose squeezed the hand stretched out in kindness, but offered no reply. “I must open the store. You may join me when you are ready.”

In the shop, Will crouched to fill the last of the flower bins. He’d arranged by hue so the blooms ranged from pale yellow to a deep blue across the risers.

“You’ve an eye for color. Thank you so much for rising early for the vendor.”

“I almost shook you awake as I was worried you had become comatose. Are you quite certain I cannot take you to my physician?”

Rose tapped her aching forehead. “Right as rain and any bruising is hidden by my hair, so the customers won’t be aghast.”

He rose and wiped his wet hands on his trousers. Yesterday’s trousers. The poor man hadn’t had an opportunity to change to fresh clothing.

“You must go home,” she commanded, then realized he might misunderstand. “I mean, you haven’t had any solid sleep or a chance to wash up.”

“Are you certain you don’t need my help here?”

“Candace will be down shortly. I don’t believe we need to fear Mr. Merker Copyright 2016 - 2024