Rose Gardner's Florist (The Providence Street Shops #2) - Bonnie Dee Page 0,45

startled Rose awake and knocked off her rose-colored glasses. Mr. William Carmody meeting the flotsam and jetsam of Cory Street? Inconceivable! She could never, would never take him there with her. The reality of the truth she’d been avoiding came home to roost like an ugly vulture in a dovecote.

Rose wriggled away from his embrace and sat up. “I, um, ought to be going. We’ve lingered too long and Candace might need something from me.”

Will sat too. “I am sorry. I should not have asked. Please don’t take offense, Rose.”

She shook her head as she hurriedly gathered picnic things and shoved them in the basket. “I am not offended. But honestly, I cannot invite you to Arietta’s wedding. And I think it best if, after today, we put some distance between us. There is much to consider. We both should take time to do that.”

She said “consider” but actually meant “break it off.” Her fledgling feelings for Will Carmody must end, for his sake as well as for hers. Hearts would be broken if they danced further down this garden path, and a stubbed toe of loss would be a great deal better than a gaping wound later.

Chapter Fourteen

From the moment Rose expressed her awed shock at the grandeur of Carmody Hall, William knew he’d made an error in bringing her there. He should not have introduced his mother on their first outing. Who was foolish enough to do that? Although, for several minutes in the garden, it seemed his gambit had worked. Mother seemed to like Rose. The differences in their station were forgotten as they discussed flowers. Will had laid some groundwork for the future. For he already knew, if Rose Gardener would have him, he wanted to marry her one day.

Their picnic by the stream, and what came after, reassured him he was on the right course. But then he’d gone too far by mentioning meeting Rose’s family and the sun extinguished. She withdrew from his arms, declaring it time to go home.

As they shook out the wrinkled cloth and folded it neatly, Will realized “take time to consider” actually meant “let’s remain friends.” She was gently letting him know she did not wish to see him again. Not privately at any rate. He supposed they could not avoid each other at Guy and Hattie’s wedding.

Feeling their golden moments slipping away, he attempted to bridge the gap. “Rose, I know I’ve pushed too far too fast, introducing you to my mother and asking to meet yours. This is the first time we’ve gone out together. I have frightened you with my intensity. Please give me another chance.”

She exhaled a long breath and stared at the stream. “I don’t… I don’t believe it is a good idea, William. I am attempting to apply some common sense. I know in my heart there could be no future we might share. Please, let us not fool ourselves about that.”

“But there is hope of a future, if we are willing to try for it,” he protested. “Please do not give up so easily.”

Rose continued to regard the water as if she saw her entire life flowing by upon its surface. “I—I fear you are being unrealistic. Your family is grand. Mine is not merely a few pegs down the social ladder. We are below the bottom rung. You and I simply do not fit into one another’s worlds, and there is no arguing with that.”

He reached out to touch her arm. “Rose. Please, do not rush to a decision. You are part of a new movement that believes in equality. Should that not apply to social status as well as gender?”

When she turned to look up at him, he saw in her eyes her decision was already made. “You make a good point, but we do not yet live in that world. I believe we may remain friends, but that is all.”

He could tell there was no point in arguing further. Not at this moment, at any rate. Perhaps, given time, she would reconsider.

“If this is to be the end of our romance, might I kiss you once more before we leave?” he asked.

She bit her lip before nodding.

Will cupped her cheek, so smooth and warm, and bent to press his mouth to hers. Her lips were as soft as the petals of her namesake. He lingered, savoring her taste and the slight puff of her breath against his upper lip. A breeze swept through the trees, making the branches tremble Copyright 2016 - 2024