Rory (Hope City #7) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,91

realize something was wrong, but the inspector certainly should have caught it.”

She held his gaze, then sucked in her lips before heaving a sigh. “Anthony knew something. I don’t know what, and I don’t know how much, but it was evident from their argument that he knew corners had been cut.”

Dave nodded his agreement. “While there’s no evidence that Anthony Partridge was actively seeking fraudulent inspections, his awareness of what was happening makes him a person of interest and perhaps an accessory.”

“I know this might sound like a stupid question in light of everything, but what’s going to happen to Partridge Tower? There are people that are going to be living there and working there. I’ve got a list of new clients that were going to have their offices there.”

“The investigation is still ongoing, but I can tell you that it’s moving rapidly. The entire building will have state inspectors come in and analyze every inch. There are no suspicions nor evidence that there were any problems with it structurally. From the architecture to the foundation, general contracting, concrete, steel—everything was done to code, but that’s to be looked at as well. The work that Perkins Electrical completed will be thoroughly inspected. Anything that is not up to code will have to be redone.”

“Anthony’s goal was to come in on time and under budget.”

Dave snorted. “That’s not gonna happen.” He tapped her knee and said, “I’ve got to go. There’s a lot to sort out. I’ll keep you posted on what I can, and until then, don’t worry about Partridge Towers.”


He stopped at the door and turned back toward her.

“Thank you. For everything you’re doing… thank you.”

He chuckled and inclined his head toward Colm and Sean. “Don’t mention it. Hell, these men will tell you. Getting to the end of an investigation and catching the bad guy, it’s what we live for.” With a chin lift and wide grin, he turned and walked out.

A nurse popped her head into the doorway and said, “I’ll be back with your discharge papers in a few minutes.”

After she left, another noise sounded at the door, and the occupants swung their gazes to see Todd walking in, wearing a lab jacket with a stethoscope hanging around his neck. Sandy gawked at the sight, then burst out laughing. “What on earth are you doing?”

“I tried to tell them I was your husband, but they already said there were men back here. I almost told them that you had a harem of men and I was simply one of many, but I didn’t feel like the lady at the ER desk would believe me. Then I happen to see one of my friends who works in radiology or some such place here. He loaned me his lab coat, and I swiped a stethoscope that was lying on the edge of the nurses' station.” Tossing his hands into the air, he added, “So, here I am. Dr. Todd to the rescue!”

“Jesus,” Rory mumbled under his breath. Sean stifled a smile while Colm simply stared at Todd with raised brows.

“I’m fine, Todd, although you might be arrested for impersonating a medical professional.”

“Nonsense,” he quipped.

“Or you might be unemployed if all our clients pull out from us since Partridge Tower might have problems filling their occupancies now.”

“Darling, don’t worry about that!” Todd enthused. “We made so many contacts at the gala that have nothing to do with the Towers. We’ll be adding employees soon!”

Her eyes widened in surprise and once again, she winced. “Ow.”

“Okay, that’s it,” Rory declared. “Dad, love you. Thanks for coming, and tell Mom we love her, and she can visit tomorrow. Sean, bottom of my heart, bro. Tell Harper that Sandy’s okay, and we’ll call her tomorrow, also. Todd… I don’t know what the fuck to say to you other than thanks for being such a good friend.” Laughter flowed from the three men as they walked out the door, and Rory turned to her.

“Oh, my, I can see the strict, paramedic Rory is about to take over.” She smiled softly and added, “By the way, I haven’t thanked you for saving my life.”

“Babe, it was everyone on the team.”

“I know, but it was you who carried me down all those steps.”

“You don’t weigh much more than my regular equipment.”

Huffing, she glared. “Rory… take my appreciation.”

He stepped closer and cupped her face in his hands. “Okay, babe. But know that I’d walk through fire for you.”

Her heart soared as her breath halted in her throat. Copyright 2016 - 2024