Rory (Hope City #7) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,82

boxes. I talked to the head of inspections and told him that the building was soon going to be occupied, and I thought it should be looked at by someone in charge.”

“You need to be careful,” he warned, feeling exasperated.

“I’m sure they get lots of calls daily. They’ll probably just count me as one more concerned citizen and ignore me. Anyway, how’s your day going?”

He sighed heavily, rolling his shoulders to ease the tension. “Not bad, but I just saw Erin. One of her home patients had passed away, and even though it was expected, I’m sure that was hard on her.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said, concern evident in her tone. “I’ll wait a day or so and then invite her out. Maybe I can even get her to go to the Celtic Cock with me. I think Torin would like that.”

Blinking, he jerked. “Torin? Why the hell would he care if you’re there?”

“Down, boy,” she laughed. “I was referring to Erin. I caught the two of them secretly trying to ignore the other.”

“Did you ever think that maybe they were actually ignoring each other?” He had been raised with three sisters but still found the workings of the female mind to be somewhat of a mystery. “And anyway, don’t try to play matchmaker with my sister! She’s had—”

“Rory, I’m not playing matchmaker. I’m simply observant. And if Erin’s ready to join the land of the living, then I think we should all be supportive.”

Another call came through. “Gotta go, sweetheart. Be careful and I’ll see you tonight.” With quick vows of love, he disconnected, answering the next call. “Kyle, what’s up?”

“Wanted to let you know that a man has been arrested for attempting to roofie a woman at a hotel bar near the harbor.”

“You’re fuckin’ kidding me! You got him?”

“Not me, not my case. And we don’t know if it’s the one from the Celtic Cock. I heard the man lawyered up as soon as he was pulled in. I know the investigating detective has talked to Torin—”

“Shit, I should warn Sandy!”

“Sandy said she never saw the man’s face, only the back of him. I don’t know that the detective is going to talk to her again, but I wanted to give you a call just in case.”

“I appreciate it, bro. I’ll talk to her.” He heaved a sigh but didn’t know if it was one of frustration or relief. Maybe both.

“I figured you’d rather do that than have her caught off-guard by getting a call from a detective.”

Thanking Kyle, he disconnected and scrubbed his hand over his face. With the opening of the Tower looming, he hated to mar her excitement.

He stopped by the Celtic Cock after his shift, glad to see it wasn’t crowded and Torin was behind the bar. Walking over, he leaned his forearms on the polished wood, gaining Torin’s attention.

“You look like a man who has something on his mind besides ordering a drink.”

Chuckling, he shook his head. “Man, as long as you’ve been running this bar, you can probably take one look at a person and know what’s on their mind.” Deciding to get right to it, he said, “Kyle called to let me know they picked up someone. I know you’ve been talked to, but I haven’t told Sandy yet. I wanted to do it in person, and the detective doesn’t think she can help identify the man who was here.”

Torin’s jaw was tight, a muscle twitching as he grimaced. “If I can get my hands on that fucker, he wouldn’t have any part of his anatomy left to even think about assaulting a woman.”

“I hear you. Feel the same. Listen, I told you this before, but it bears repeating. What happened wasn’t on you.”

The two men were silent for a moment before Torin grabbed a dish towel off his shoulder and swiped at a nonexistent spot on the polished bar. “My great-great-grandparents came over from Ireland in the 1800s. Landed in Hope City and never went anywhere else. Worked on the docks and anywhere else they could make a living. My great-grandfather sold bootleg whiskey during prohibition.” Torin grinned, shaking his head. “Damn, I would’ve loved to have seen the old man stay one step ahead of the law.”

Laughing, Rory said, “That’s fuckin’ hilarious. I had no idea.”

“My grandfather opened this place right after he got back from fighting in Europe during World War II. Soldiers and sailors were pouring back into the city, the factories and docks were booming, Copyright 2016 - 2024