Rory (Hope City #7) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,35

family to the table. Making his way into the dining room, Rory was finally able to greet his dad. Still tall and well-built, Colm, a retired FBI agent, greeted him with a hearty hug. “Good to see you, son. Let’s get to the table before your mom fusses and the others grab all the food.”

The meal was a lively event, much like those he remembered growing up. The conversation centered around the family members, their jobs, their activities, and even the Kings next door. By the time the meal was over, he felt like he’d caught up on all the news and gossip. As dessert was served, his brother, Kyle, came in with his fiancée, Kimberly, joining in the fun.

As they began to clear the table and take the plates back into the kitchen, he managed to fall in line next to Harper. Catching her eye, he whispered, “Will you have a moment before we all leave? I have something I wanted to ask you.”

“Of course!” She glanced around and said, “There’s plenty of people to clean up. We’ll step outside.” She set her plate down, sent a smile toward Sean, then followed Rory out onto the back patio.

Harper was pretty, soft-spoken, and nurturing, all a good match for his brother. She turned and waited expectantly. Suddenly tongue-tied, he lifted his arm, crooked his elbow, and squeezed the back of his neck with his hand.

“Rory, what’s on your mind?”

Sighing heavily, he said, “Sandy.”

Harper startled, her chin jerking back slightly. “Sandy?”

“I was with her the other night—”

“Sean told me. At the Celtic Cock. Yes, I know.”

Nodding, he hesitated before plunging in again. “I noticed she was shaken by what happened. I drove her home to make sure she got there safely, but… well…” His voice tapered off, and he looked at Harper, somehow hoping she’d understand what his unvoiced question was. No such luck.

Cocking her head to the side, Harper said, “Thank you for taking her home, Rory. I’m not sure what you’re looking for, though. I’ve talked to Sandy since then, so I’m aware of what happened.”

His shoulders slumped, and he dropped his chin to his chest, staring at his boots for a moment. Finally, gaining his courage, he lifted his head. “I got the feeling that she was more shaken about the events than just what she witnessed. I wondered if… if there was something that had happened to her… uh… you know, before…”

Harper held his gaze for a long time. Her tongue darted out and licked her lips, appearing to consider her words carefully. “I’ve known Sandy since we became freshman roommates in college, and there’s very little we don’t know about each other, good and not so good. But I’m afraid, Rory, that any specific questions you have about her past would need to be answered by her.”

“Yeah, I get it. I just felt kind of helpless. Like there was something I wanted to do but didn’t know what it was.” If he hoped that Harper was going to offer him consolation or platitudes, she didn’t. Instead, she continued to hold his gaze.

“Was there anything else you wanted to know?” she asked softly.

“Her place wasn’t what I expected.”

Her head cocked to the side again as her brow furrowed. “Expected?”

“I know her father is the head of Carmichael Financial Associates. I expected her to live in a place that was, well, fancier. Instead, it wasn’t at all what I thought it would be.” A chuckle slid from his lips as he added, “Even her cat wasn’t fancy.”

A fiery glint moved through Harper’s gaze, and he quickly realized that perhaps he’d overspoken his thoughts. Before he had a chance to explain, she said, “I’ve met a lot of people in my life, Rory, and Sandy is one of the best I’ve ever known. She’s worked hard for everything she has, making her own way. She’s smart, funny, and oh, so loyal. She enjoys having fun with friends and meeting new people. But like any strong, beautiful female, she often has to put up with what people perceive she’s like without really getting to know her.” Shaking her head, Harper continued, “And if you’ve believed stupid suppositions about her from half-drunk guys that were probably turned down by her, then you’re not the man I know you are.”

Before he had a chance to respond, the back door opened, and Sean stuck his head out. “Everything okay out here?”

Harper smiled, her face softening as she stared at her husband. “Yeah, sweetie, Copyright 2016 - 2024