Roped Tight (Ryker Ranch #4) - Kim Loraine Page 0,45

motion and pushed him onto the bed. I needed him at my mercy. I needed control. I dropped to my knees and gripped his thighs before parting them.

His entire body was pulled tight, coiled and ready to spring. I kissed my way up his inner thigh, a thrill running through me at the tension in his muscles that seemed to grow with each press of my lips on his heated skin. “Lie back,” I whispered. “Trust me. I’ll take good care of you.”

The ridges of his abs bunched as he laid back on the mattress, his hands clenching into fists at his sides. I took his cock in one hand and ran my palm over him, making him arch and groan. He was all mine right now, and I wanted to explore him.

Releasing him, I stood and strode to the bedside table. In a few seconds, I had what I needed, and I was back where I belonged, kneeling in front of him, ready to make him beg. I clicked open the cap of the lube and coated my fingers in a liberal drizzle. Then I spread him open and trailed one slick digit over his hole. He flinched and jerked like I’d bit him.

“You okay?” I asked.

“I’ve never…uh, it’s always been other types of sex. No penetration.”

My chest squeezed. I didn’t like thinking of him with other guys, but I’d known the reality of ten years apart meant both of us had been with other people. “Have you fingered yourself?”

“Once or twice.”

I sat back on my heels, looking at his beautiful body. “What do you want now? We can stop this right here if that’s what you need.”

He shook his head. “No. I just need you to go slow. It should be you. The first time.”

I smirked. “I think you mean every fucking time.”


Every fucking time. God, yes.

I hadn’t been this nervous since the first time I kissed him in his truck. Tucker pressed a soft kiss to my hip, his hands massaging my thighs carefully and slowly.

“I’m gonna touch you now. Tell me to stop if you need it.” His gentle tone said so much about the man he was.

A finger trailed across my ass, slick and warm, a little bit of pressure. I didn’t hate it, not one damn bit. Then he pressed inside, just the slightest inch forward, and I hissed. It wasn’t like the times I’d gotten off fantasizing about us and our nights touching each other in the cabin, about what we could have done if we’d had more time together. We’d fooled around a lot, but never taken it to this level. This was real, right now, and I wanted more. I wanted him.

“Okay?” he asked.


We went on like this, him opening me up, readying me for more than a finger. The thought of his big hard length sinking deep and all but pinning me to the bed had my own dick throbbing with arousal. He backed away, intense hunger in his gaze.

“Where are you goin’?” I asked.

“We don’t have to do this tonight.”

I laughed. “Yeah, we fucking do. You did this to me.” I pointed to my hard cock. “I’m desperate for you now, just like I was back then. Give me what I need, Tucker.”

“Back up on the mattress. I want to watch you when I fill you for the first time.”

I scooted back as he got off the floor and crawled up toward me. Then, when he’d positioned himself between my spread thighs, he leaned forward. I thought he’d kiss me, but instead he opened the same side table drawer from earlier. His hair had fallen into his eyes, hiding his face from me. On instinct, I reached up and pushed it back. I wanted to see him.

“Are you ready?” he asked, tearing open the condom wrapper before rolling the protection down his length.

“For you, yes.”

He nodded and slowly pressed into me, the stretch too much and not enough all at the same time. And fuck, I panicked for one terrible second until he said my name and locked gazes with me. We watched each other’s secrets flicker and dance in our eyes—saw the vulnerability we tried so hard to hide.

Slowly, we came together until we were as joined as any two people could be. Until our breaths fell into sync, our hearts beat as one, and I knew I’d made the right choice to save this for him. For us.

“I need you to start moving, Tucker.” I was going Copyright 2016 - 2024