Roman's Vow (Riley's Pride #4) - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,78

our side,” Roman whispered to Mr. Schmidt.

“Let me get this started by explaining the reason for this unscheduled hearing,” the judge said, stopping all conversation. “Additional information has come to light which if proven accurate clearly supports Mrs. Lyakhov’s claim of innocence. In light of that, and even before the results of Mr. Rooney’s additional testing had come in,” he said, holding up a stack of papers, “I felt it was pertinent to reconvene.”

“Thank you, your honor,” Patrick said.

“Are there any questions from either side?” the judge asked.

“Not any questions, your honor, but we do have another witness that’s just become known to us whose statement we’d like to have added to the record.”

“That won’t be necessary, Counselor,” the judge said.

“If it pleases the court, I’d like the information added to the records. It won’t take but a few moments, your honor,” Patrick insisted.

The judge looked at the prosecution. “Do you have any objections?”

“No, your honor. Please proceed,” the prosecution’s lead attorney stood and answered.

“Please have your witness take the stand,” the judge said.

It seemed as though no one was surprised, not even the prosecution as Mr. Schmidt was sworn in, then explained what he’d seen the day the victim had been murdered.

Once he was finished, the judge again questioned the prosecution. “Do you wish to cross examine?”

“No, your honor,” the prosecution answered. “But, if I may approach the bench?”

“Granted,” the judge said, then he waved Patrick up to the bench as well. The judge sat quietly, watching the prosecution’s lead attorney expectantly as he gathered his words to speak.

“Your honor, in light of the two witnesses we have in custody, their statements, and the statement of the defense’s new witness, as well as the results of the additional testing the defense spearheaded, we’d like to file a motion to have all charges against Mrs. Lyakhov dismissed. It is more than clear that she should never have been arrested, and in fact we feel this was an investigation that could have been handled differently. We feel that the county should issue her a formal apology as well, if it wasn’t admitting the fact that the county could be liable.”

“In lieu of an apology, we’d take a quick release. There is no reason she should have to sit in a jail cell overnight until a stack of papers is ready for her to sign stating that she is no longer a prisoner and is free,” Patrick said.

“Agreed,” the prosecution said.

“She will still have to be out processed,” the judge said.

“Can you at the very least speed it up. It’s not yet 10:00 A.M. We have the whole day,” Patrick urged.

“I’ll see what I can do,” the judge said.

The judge raised his head from the secret discussions going on and signaled a woman standing at the side of the courtroom. She went forward with her pad in hand, obviously his personal secretary or executive legal assistant. He spoke to her and she scribbled on her pad furiously, all the while nodding. He held up the folder on his desk and she looked at the folder and copied some information from it, then turned and hurried toward the door the judge had entered through.

“Ms. Goodman!” the judge said.

His assistant paused and turned to face him.

“Today! I want this accomplished today without fail or somebody’s going to answer to me!” the judge insisted.

“Yes, sir!” she answered and rushed from the courtroom.

Roman sat fidgeting in place as the judge and both attorneys spoke in hushed tones at the judge’s bench. With the courtroom almost full and most everyone fidgeting as he was, he couldn’t hear their conversation as well as he’d like, but he was pretty sure he’d heard the words, “dismissed” and “innocence”.

Roman was antsy as he watched all three men nod and then the attorneys went back to their respective places. Patrick caught his eye and winked at him, and Roman couldn’t contain the smile that graced his face. This was it, he just knew it, Talie was going to be freed.

Patrick took his seat, but the prosecution’s attorney remained standing. “Your honor, if it pleases the court, the prosecution would like to file a motion of dismissal of all charges against Mrs. Lyakhov. In light of the witness testimony of today and of the defendants we now have in custody, as well as the additional forensics testing ordered by the defense, it is clear that she was not involved.”

“Mrs. Lyakhov, please stand,” the judge said.

Talie was crying, but smiling and struggling to Copyright 2016 - 2024