Romancing the R.A - By Ashelyn Drake Page 0,17

of movies. He has everything from comedy to action adventure to horror.

“Nice selection.” I don’t see any date movies. No mushy romances guys only watched to get girls into bed. I guess Mitch was right about him. “Ooh, you have the third Transformers movie.”

“You like them?”

“Are you kidding me? The only problem is I can’t decide who I like more, Optimus or Bumblebee.”

He stares at me, his eyes lighting up.


“I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like you.”

“Like me? Come on.”

He takes the movie from the drawer and brings it to the TV. “I’m serious. You’re not like most freshman girls.”

“Undecided major, fell for the hot R.A., thinks the social is ridiculously stupid? Okay, maybe not the last one. Most of the people downstairs looked like they were having a good time.”

“What did you say?” He turns around and stares at me.

I thought we’d gotten past the whole “I’m into you” stage, but maybe saying it out loud was too much. “Um, I think the social is stupid?”

“Before that.”

“My major is undecided?”

He cocks his head and moves toward me. “After that.” His fingers brush against mine.

“Oh, I think I said something about smearing yogurt all over—”

His lips press against mine, making me shut up. Thankfully! He’s holding my hands now, his thumbs rubbing against my palms. He pulls away but doesn’t let go. “Sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

“My babbling can have that effect, I guess.”

He laughs. “Oh, so you’ve gotten this reaction before?”

“Not exactly. I’m making note of it, though.”

“How about that movie?” He squeezes my hands before walking over to his bed and lying down. He moves over so there’s plenty of room for me.

My chest tightens. Am I in over my head? I’ve been with all of one guy before, and I’m not exactly the one-night stand type.

“So you’ve seen the first two, right?” He presses play, and the movie starts.

“Yeah.” I inch closer, easing myself onto the bed, but staying as upright as possible. “Somehow I never got around to seeing this one.”

“Megan Fox isn’t in it.”

“Were you upset by that?”

He shrugs.

“Don’t lie.” I’ve never met a guy who didn’t have a thing for Megan Fox.

“I’m not. She was really hot in the first two, but she got too thin for me. I like some curves, like she had in the first movie.” His eyes trail the length of my body, checking out my curves.

We stop talking as the movie comes on. I’m not really paying attention because I keep stealing glances at him and I’m trying to think of something to say to ease the tension since we moved to the bed. Andy doesn’t try anything during the movie. He’s a perfect gentleman. When the credits appear on the screen, I turn to face him, afraid I’ve scared him off.

“What did you think?” he asks me.

“Not as good as the first two but still pretty awesome.”

“Was it the movie or the company?”

“I saw the first two with Julia and she asked about a thousand questions through each, so I’d have to say the company was much better this time.” I pause, gathering my courage, and shift so I’m on my side. “Maybe a little too quiet, though.”

“I didn’t want to talk over the movie and make you miss anything. Plus, you looked a little uncomfortable.”

“Sorry, I’m so used to being guarded around guys.” Andy’s making me break all of my rules, but somehow it feels right.

He reaches for my hand, gently weaving his fingers through mine. “You know I’m into you, so it’s your move.”

“If I remember correctly, I made the first move.” I keep my voice playful to mask my nerves.

He laughs softly. “I guess you did.”

“I’m not looking to hook up and then never see you again.” The words come tumbling out before I can stop them. My hand clenches his, afraid he’s going to pull away and send me back to my dorm.

“Neither am I.” He lets go of me and sits up. “Do you know why I’m not with Melinda?”

“I can think of a few reasons.” She wears way too much make-up. She’s a bitch. She dresses like a slut. “But I’d rather hear yours.”

“She sleeps around.”

So the outfit fits her character. “I’d act surprised, but I’m trying to be honest with you.”

“Call me old fashioned but I’d rather have a girlfriend than a hook-up.”

I’m tempted to smother his mouth with mine for that. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

He nods. “It’s tough though—with swim practice most nights, you know? Most girls want to hang Copyright 2016 - 2024