Romancing the R.A - By Ashelyn Drake Page 0,16

the girl who screamed. I raise my hand in an apologetic wave. The DJ announces a limbo contest and puts the music back on. Thankfully, only a few eyes linger on me.

Julia laughs. “You are too good at humiliating yourself.”

“Thanks for pointing that out.”

“I don’t know. I think she just likes to make her presence known.” I smile at the sound of Andy’s voice and turn around to face him.

“Hey, you’re here.” Way to state the obvious, Noelle.

“So I am.” He motions to the back corner away from the speakers.

Julia points toward the frozen drink bar near the stage. “I think I’ll go get one of those.”

“They’re non-alcoholic,” Andy says.

“Of course they are.” Julia’s words drip sarcasm, but she still feels the need to roll her eyes before she walks away.

Andy takes my hand and pulls me toward the back of the room. “I wasn’t sure if you’d show up.”

“I couldn’t let Julia come by herself.” I turn to see her talking to the cute guy serving the drinks. Good for her. “Oh!” I meet Andy’s gaze. “I almost forgot. I’m supposed to tell you that Mitch said ‘nice choice.’”

He smiles. “He did, huh?”

“Yup. Also, I think there’s a Melinda looking for you. I had the pleasure of meeting her earlier.”

“Ooh, sorry to hear that. She’s…” He pauses, trying to think of the right word.


“Sure. Let’s go with that.” He reaches for my arm, lightly tracing circles down it. God, how can such a small touch drive me so crazy? “Did she give you a hard time because of me?”

“Nothing Julia couldn’t handle. She’s like my personal bodyguard.”

“Good to know.” He looks over my shoulder. “She seems to have found a date for the evening. You girls have a thing for R.As?”

I close the distance between us. “Is he a friend of yours?”

He nods. “That’s Mike. He’s a nice guy. She could do a lot worse.”

“Good, because I won’t hesitate to act as her bodyguard if I have to.”

“I don’t think you will.”

No, probably not. Julia is more than capable of handling herself.

“Are all the socials this incredibly lame?”

He laughs. “Yes. It’s like they want to make them as much like high school dances as possible so you’ll feel comfortable.”

“And people like me, who can’t wait to get away from high school, are more uncomfortable than ever.”

“You don’t have to stay. It’s not mandatory or anything.”

“I know, but…” How do I casually say I want to be with him, even if it means loud music and colored strobe lights?

“You could come hang out with me.”

I can’t help wondering if he wants to pick up where we left off. I wouldn’t mind a repeat of our afternoon together. “What did you have in mind?”

“Do you trust me?”

There’s a loaded question. I don’t even really know him. But his eyes—the way he looks at me. “I think so.”

“You’re honest. I like that.” His fingers reach forward, brushing mine and setting my body on fire.

Julia looks in our direction and smiles, giving me her approval. I give her a small wave before following Andy out of the room.

He leads me toward the stairs, and my pulse quickens. We’re heading to his room. Even though he’s a nice guy, I can’t help thinking I know what’s on his mind. Because it’s on my mind, too.

Chapter Eight

I hesitate in the hall after he opens his door and steps aside for me to go into his room. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, I just…I don’t know.” Damn my brain for making me question every move I make. Why can’t I just let myself do what feels right?

“So you don’t trust me.”

“I don’t really know you.” It’s the honest answer.

“You were alone in my room with me earlier.”

That was different. The sun was still up. “I know. I just have to ask. Why’d you bring me here?”

He steps toward me. “Because you were having a miserable time at that sorry excuse for a social downstairs.”

“True.” I smile because even though we just met, he can read me really well.

“So, will you come in?” His eyes are pleading with me, asking me to trust him.

I can’t say no. “Sure.”

He closes the door behind us but hesitates before clicking it shut. “Would you rather I leave this open?”

I’m back to being the lame freshman. Maybe I never stopped. “It’s fine,” I say, pushing the door closed so he knows I mean it.

“I have a ton of movies on Blu-ray if you’re interested.” He opens his closet and pulls out a drawer full Copyright 2016 - 2024