Romancing the R.A - By Ashelyn Drake Page 0,15

to engage with her any more, but I can’t help being interested in how someone like her would know Andy.

She looks at me again. “We’re both R.As, not that it’s any of your business.”

“Look.” Julia steps around her and stands by my side, making me feel more at ease. “It’s not Noelle’s fault if Andy isn’t into you.”

Her face falls, but she quickly recovers. “Don’t think you’re the first freshman he’s flirted with. Not even close.” She turns and walks out with the blonde on her heels.

“Forget her.” Julia puts her hand on my shoulder. “She’s just pissed he likes you and not her.”

“How do you know? What if I’m not the only freshman he’s hit on?”

She looks me in the eye. “Tell me, is that really what you believe? Because I’ve seen the way he looks at you, and I don’t think any of that is fake. Did it feel fake when he kissed you?”

“Not at all.” I could tell Andy was just as into me as I was him.

“Then forget that girl.”

Julia’s right. Apparently the girls in college are a lot like the girls in high school. I’m so over the stupid games. Why can’t people just be real and straightforward? Like Andy.

We walk back to our dorm. I’m a little surprised it hasn’t blown over with the breeze. Julia starts getting ready immediately, but I lie down on the bed and stare at the crumbling ceiling.

“You need to get ready,” Julia says.

“I don’t think I’m going.”

She stops fixing her hair and turns to me. “You’re kidding, right?”

“No.” I fold my hands on my stomach.

“Is this about that girl in the bathroom?”

“No. I don’t believe her. I just don’t feel like going. Andy said he wasn’t sure he’d be back in time for it anyway. Maybe I’ll wait until it’s almost over and then see if he’s there.”

“And what if Andy is there waiting for you? If you stay in this room all night sulking and find out that he was at the dance and you could’ve been cozying up to him all evening, you’ll kick yourself. Hell, I’ll kick you.” She turns back to the mirror. “Besides, if you don’t show, that chick will be all over him.”

I hate it when she’s right. “Fine, but if the dance is a bust, we’re out of there.” I’m only agreeing to go because I want to see Andy. I see no point in staying if he isn’t there.

“Good. Now get dressed. I’m not letting you go wearing that.”

I roll my eyes, but I let Julia go through my clothes and pick out something she thinks is suitable. A pair of skinny jeans, heels, and a black top. It will do. In twenty minutes, we’re dressed and out the door.

We head to Andy’s dorm. Two R.As are standing at the door to let people in. Just my luck, one is the girl from the bathroom.

“Crap. Look who it is.”

Julia shrugs. “So?” Sometimes I think she believes there’s no one she can’t take on. I envy her a little for that.

We walk up to her, and she scowls. “Really?”

“What’s the problem?” the male R.A. asks.

“This is the girl that’s been hanging all over Andy.” She says it as if it’s completely absurd that someone like me would have a shot with Andy. Ironically, I’m thinking the same thing about her.

“Melinda, you’re seriously messed up. Andy doesn’t let anyone hang all over him.” He smirks. “You should know that. He’s turned you away enough.”

I can’t help smiling. I like this guy already. He obviously knows Andy, and he put Melinda in her place.

The guy opens the door and smiles at us. “Tell Andy that Mitch says nice choice.”

I blush, but I nod and say, “Thanks.”

We walk inside, and all I can think is that Andy must be here. Mitch wouldn’t have given me a message for him if he isn’t. I squeeze Julia’s arm.

“I know. I know.” She nods. “Let’s go find him.”

I feel like I could burst out of my own skin. We head past the elevators and to the event room, which we hear long before we see. It’s dark, except for the colored strobe lights. Julia and I laugh because the dance is more high school than high school dances. If it weren’t for Andy, I would turn around and run back to our dorm right now.

“Do you see him?” Julia yells over the music.

“No!” Just as I talk, the music ends. All eyes turn to us—well, to me, Copyright 2016 - 2024