Roman - Lane Hart Page 0,62

or for being unfaithful. How can I be mad when that miniature version of him, Aiden, is out there, loving life and having fun, even though his father is gone and he never got to meet him? I want to forgive Adam and let him rest. I didn’t really know him as well as I thought, Roman.”

“Hey, don’t start feeling guilty again,” I comfort her as I stroke her hair. “None of us ever really know what other people are thinking. You just have to choose who to trust, and pray they never break your heart.”

“That’s why I trust you, Roman,” Charlotte says as she turns her gaze up to meet mine. “The connection you and I have is rare and special. I never thought I would find it with anyone else. What we have is real, maybe more than anything I’ve ever felt before. Roman, I think I’m falling in…”

Our lips meet before she can finish what she wanted to say, our tongues seeking each other urgently as Charlotte’s hands dive underneath my t-shirt. Breaking our kiss momentarily, I tell her, “I feel the same, baby. You don’t have to rush it.”

Instead of replying, she wraps her arms around my neck, digging her fingers into the skin of my back as she pulls me closer to her. With one hand, I deftly pop the button on her jeans, while the other slides down her back, inside her panties, to grab her bare ass and grind her body into mine.

“Take me to bed, Roman,” Charlotte moans as she pulls back to pull her shirt over her head, throwing it down on the porch. “Take me to bed and make me yours.”

With one hand still stuffed down the back of her jeans, I pull her up and use my other hand to grab under her leg, lifting her body against mine. We fumble our way through the screen door, lips locked and limbs intertwined, as I carry her to my bedroom. Once we’re inside, she climbs down long enough to kick off her shoes and shimmy out of her pants before throwing her bra and panties onto the pile. I’m undressed almost as quickly. And when we crash back into each other still standing in the middle of my bedroom, my hands automatically latch back onto her ass, slamming the front of her body against my cock. As we devour each other, it throbs impatiently between us, eager to join the festivities.

“Pick me up again,” Charlotte orders as she lifts her leg to accommodate me. I’m more than happy to oblige; and as my fingers tighten on her hip and ass, I lift her back up against me just long enough to line myself up with her slick entrance.

She wraps both of her legs around me as she sinks down onto me, grinding her hips until every inch of my long, thick cock is buried inside of her. The muffled cry that escapes her lips as she wraps her arms around my neck and presses her cheek against mine almost drives me into a frenzy, but I resist the urge to simply start pounding away at her.

I hold her perfectly still as she moans into my ear, waiting for her body to let me know she’s ready. When she starts to rock her hips, grinding her clit against the base of my cock, I turn my head to seek her lips. Our mouths crash together, and our tongues intertwine as I stand perfectly still. Time ceases to have any meaning as this goddess rides my body, until her breathing begins to quicken, and she breaks our kiss to look me directly in the eyes.

“I’m close,” she moans as her hips begin to rock against me frantically.

With that cue, I know what I need to do to push her over the edge. Tightening my grip on her ass, I gently lift her just a few inches and then bring her back down to me hard, making sure to put that perfect pressure on her most sensitive spot. The effect is instantaneous.

“Oh god, Roman, right there!” Charlotte cries as her thighs tremble against me, attempting to squeeze me even deeper inside. “Ohh!” she screams as she arches her back, throwing all of her weight down onto the spots where our bodies are joined. Her orgasm rocks her with such force I have to move a hand up her back, momentarily afraid she’s going to launch herself off of me.

“Easy, baby!” I chastise her Copyright 2016 - 2024