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it’s what you think is best for them, then just tell me where to send the money.”

“I would be happy to provide you with the contact information for the center’s financial department,” the psychiatrist says, flashing a beaming smile at Roman. “If you want to come down to my office with me?”

Is this woman seriously hitting on him right in front of me while we’re talking about how to help my best friend recover? The nerve of some people.

“I’ll come too,” I say. “I want to know more about this place, where it is, their accreditations and all.”

“Of course,” she replies, looking only a little disappointed that I’m going to be a third wheel.

“In that case,” the doctor starts, “I’ll get Tessa’s release papers ready for her to sign while you make arrangements. Some of the other women will need to stay a few more days, but one other is ready to be released today as well. We can arrange transportation for both of them to the center.”

“Great, thank you,” I tell him. “Let me just speak to Tessa for a second to make sure we’re all on the same page.”

“Sure,” he agrees. “I’ll be right back,” I tell Roman, and he gives me a nod that I know means he won’t go anywhere while I’m inside.

“Hey,” I say to Tessa when I go inside her room and shut the door behind me. “Did the exam go okay?”

“Yeah,” she replies from where she’s sitting up in the bed, still under a mountain of blankets. The psychiatrist is right. She’s not ready to face the real world just yet.

“And did they talk to you about the recovery center?”

“They did. I think it’s probably a good idea, you know? I’m not ready to go home, but I want to leave here.”

“So you’re okay with it?”

“Yeah, except it costs a small fortune.”

“Roman’s offered to cover the expense for you and the other women.”

“He did? Why?” she asks in surprise.

“I think he feels guilty and just wants to help.”

“That’s nice of him,” Tessa replies. “He seems like a nice guy.”

“Roman and Verek both stayed all night, right outside the door.”

“Really?” she asks.


“I wish I had known that,” she replies. “Maybe I would’ve slept more than ten minutes at a time.”


“It’s okay. This facility Dr. Kirkpatrick told me about is constantly locked. Visitors have to get buzzed into a room, and they can’t get through any other doors unless they’re on someone’s list and have had a background check.”

“That sounds…very thorough,” I tell her.

“Yeah. I think I might feel safer there.”

“Okay, so we’ll go make all of the arrangements. Verek will be outside if you need anything.”

“Thanks, Charlotte. Oh, and, Charlotte…make sure Verek is on the list of approved visitors.”

Chapter Eleven


The trip to the psychiatric facility is only an hour, but it feels like an eternity. Roman and I are on his bike following the ambulance that the doctor insisted should transport Tessa and one of the other victims. It’s not like I could protest since I had to hitch a ride with Roman and I don’t know if the small, rural town even has Uber yet.

At least Roman and I get to go back with Tessa this time to help her fill out paperwork and pay. Then they give the three of us a tour around the entire facility before we come to a stop at what will be Tessa’s room for the next month.

“It’s…cozy,” I say, even though it looks like a small dorm room, one with just a bed, dresser and nightstand. There’s not even a radio or television.

“We’ll give Tessa everything she needs to heal, without any of life’s usual distractions,” the doctor escorting us explains. “And while I hate to be the bearer of bad news, visiting hours will be ending in ten minutes.”

“Oh, I’m staying,” I declare.

“I’m so sorry, Charlotte, but only patients are allowed to stay overnight. Everyone else must abide by the visiting hours,” the doctor tells me.

“Tessa?” I ask, looking to her because I’m not sure how she feels about being left alone in a new place after what she’s been through.

“I’ll be fine,” she says when she goes and sits down on the bed. “The doors are always locked out front, right?” she asks the doctor.

“That’s right. We have to buzz visitors into the waiting area that is always locked as well. Only once we are shown photo identification and match them up to the visitor list are they allowed inside the group room with Copyright 2016 - 2024