Rogue's Revenge - By Gail MacMillan Page 0,63


“You were with me when we saw the sasquatch on the road to the Chance.” Allison looked at the man.

“That was me,” one of his companions admitted. “Marty set me up to do it while you were in the service station, when he said he had to gas up his Jeep.”

“But this woman,” Allison pointed at Candace Breckenridge, “was going to use your rifle to murder me!” She swung back on Marty Mason.

“She stole it, I tell you! She came to my place around noon. I was just getting back from giving you that last scare. I’d traveled pretty fast, had my ATV hidden in the bush. She questioned me about what I’d done, how shook up you’d been by my tactics. When I made some crack about scarin’ the two of you right into each other’s arms, she went crazy. Said she was takin’ the four-wheeler and my deer rifle back into the bush to check on the situation. Man, right then I got a sick feeling. I told her no way and turned my back on her.

“She must have hit me with something, because the next thing I knew I woke up face down in my driveway. The ATV and my rifle that was strapped to the back of it were gone.” He licked dry lips and wiped sweat from his forehead before he continued, “I figured you’d be gettin’ near Adams Landing, so I called my buddies to come with me. Just when we were ready to start out, Jamie arrived. Said he and Carl had lost that blasted dog, that it had run off early yesterday morning and they needed us to help find it.”

“Jamie and Carl?”

“The two men I had taking care of Jack and the Lodge.” Heath’s explanation was quick and terse. “Go on, Marty.”

“We agreed to keep our eyes open for the mutt, but right then I was more concerned about her,” he pointed to Candace, “And what she might do with that rifle.”

“I believe you, Marty.” Heath hefted the rifle onto his shoulder. “She could have gotten here on her own, given all the information she gleaned from me during our canoe trips last summer. She was an excellent student. Now let’s get her to the police. Allie and Jack and I are hungry and tired and cold and…really dirty.” He looked down at the young woman holding the dog, grinned, and wiped something she guessed was mud from her cheek.


Two hours later, when they got out of the RCMP Jeep that had driven them back to the Lodge, a couple burst from the front door to greet them.

“Mom! Dad!” Allison cried as Myra and Cameron Armstrong came down the steps to greet them.

“We decided we’d better come and see for ourselves how you were making out.” Dr. Armstrong watched as his wife embraced their daughter. “Your mother was getting a little concerned about the deal she’d made with Heath, and I don’t blame her. If she’d let me in on her scheme to make you appreciate the Chance, I would have nipped it in the bud. Apparently it was one rough voyage, judging from your appearance. The police presence alone is worthy of a detailed explanation. Good God, Jack, what happened to you?”

“He’s a hero.” Allison went from her mother’s arms to her father’s. “I’ll tell you all about it later. Right now I’m tired and cold and hungry…and, like Jack, really dirty.”

The Lodge door opened again. Paul Bradley emerged, cleanly shaved, every hair in place, wearing black pants and gray silk shirt. He had his cell phone pressed to his ear.

“Al!” He punched an end to his call and came down the steps. He started to take her into his arms as her father released her, then stopped short. “Damn it, you’re filthy!”

Jack muttered something unpleasant.

“Business as usual?” Allison stepped back and indicated the phone in his hand.

“Just checking in at the office. You’re really disheveled, hon.”

“She’s had a rough time.” Heath spoke from several feet behind her.

“Really? And what part did you play in it, buddy?” Paul swung to confront the dirty, bearded man.

“Paul, please…” Allison tried to intervene, but he pushed her aside.

“No, no, I have a right to know.”

“A lot happened to us these last few days.” Heath looked down at him, eyes narrowing in the feral cat look Allison had come to recognize as dangerous. “But nothing that would sully your…relationship…if there really is one. Is there, Allie?”

“No.” Her reply was abrupt and definite.

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