The Rogue Witch - Chandelle LaVaun Page 0,189

tall. The light glowed like lava and heat rushed off of it. My whole body trembled but I wasn’t giving in yet. I screamed and pushed with every ounce of magic I had.

There was a pop and then it was gone. We all crashed to the sand like she’d dropped us.

I rolled to my side and looked to the horizon. “Come on, Bentley. Please.”

Chapter Fifty-Nine


Sunday January 27th 2019

As the sun dropped low in the sky and tap danced along the surface of the water, I had the sickening realization that we’d been out here all day. It had been sunrise when we did the ritual and now the sun was setting again.

None of us had moved.

None of us had spoken.

None of us had eaten.

And none of us were leaving until Bentley appeared in front of us.

We would wait as long as we had to.

Chapter Sixty


Monday January 28th 2019


Chapter Sixty-One


Tuesday January 29th 2019

Still nothing.

Chapter Sixty-Two


Wednesday January 30th 2019

Still nothing.

Chapter Sixty-Three


Thursday January 31st 2019

Four days later. Four days.

I wanted to scream.

I wanted to cry.

I wanted to puke my brains out.

But more importantly, I wanted to set every inch of Seelie on fire and laugh as it burned to ash. They would pay for this. They would hurt for this.

Even if we got every single one of them back completely unharmed…I was going to ruin them. I didn’t know how. I didn’t know when. I didn’t know if I’d make it out alive. But this was an act of war and I refused to lose, even if I had to take the whole damn realm down with me.

I’d just have to convince Tennessee and Tegan to let me go by myself.

I glanced around to everyone else and found rage to match my own blazing in their eyes. None of us had moved since we did the ritual with Cassandra. We’d barely even slept, and when we did, we did so in shifts. Some of the civilians in town had been bringing us food and water but none of us had left this beach.

If Bentley didn’t show up tonight we were going to do the ritual again.

I’d do it every day if we had to.

Tension was high in the group. The air was so electrified it kept sparking. Everyone’s magic was now spilling out.

The first day we’d all been terrified and panicked.

Then it changed to despair and desperation.

Overnight, it’d turned to rage…and this morning it was volcanic.

One of us was going to blow and it could’ve been any one of us. Koth, Silas, and Maddox kept shifting into dragon form randomly. Emersyn sat with them, the four of them their own personal bonfire. There was a cloud of red lightning around Deacon at all times. Braison paced up and down the beach while Albert watched. Olli kept trying to comfort me but every time he whimpered it made me think of Riah.


This was all our fault. Mine and Riah’s. If the others hadn’t been standing next to him they’d still be here today.

I couldn’t even look at the Bishops anymore. The guilt was too much.

And the bright, beautiful sunny day around us was salt to the wound. There wasn’t a cloud in sight. The temperature was only seventy-eight and there was a cool breeze blowing off the water.

With every gust of wind my mood turned more volatile. Which was fine by me, anger was easier to handle than sadness. Another giant gust of wind ripped off the water and slammed into me. My hair blew back from my face and off my shoulders. Sand swept over my feet— wait a second. That’s not normal wind.

Tegan jumped to her feet. Rainbow mist coiled around her hands. Her black and purple hair whipped around behind her. I couldn’t see her face but I didn’t need to. She felt it too.

Tennessee stood up beside her. One by one, each Bishop was on their feet. The energy moved like a wave and each time it hit someone they flinched and hopped up.

“What is that?” Savannah whispered beside me. In my peripheral vision I saw her looking around in a panic. “What is it? I feel something but—”

A ripple sliced through the perfectly flat turquoise ocean water. It’d been flat like ice all day. I pushed myself up to my feet, then brushed the sand off my hands. It was something, for sure…but what? It was probably just demons coming for another round. I heard the sound of metal as my Coven-mates drew their weapons.

A wave taller than me Copyright 2016 - 2024