The Rogue Witch - Chandelle LaVaun Page 0,166

I have a plan. Get everyone and meet me at the beach.”

“We’re on our way,” Tegan said without hesitation.

Demon-Henley hung up the phone and shoved it back in her pocket. She turned and those bright red eyes glowed in the dim light. She grinned and let out an evil chuckle…then vanished.


Tegan materialized in front of us, her cloaking spell gone. “Well, he doesn’t know we were watching so our plan is working.”

Chapter Fifty-One


Tegan snapped her fingers and the cloaking spell dropped. I saw all my Coven-mates standing in a half circle with wide eyes. Riah’s finger pressed under my chin, tipping my face up. When our eyes met he nodded and gave me a little smirk. Butterflies danced in my stomach and my cheeks warmed. It wasn’t the right time to get mushy so I reached out and ruffled Olli’s ears to stop myself from kissing Riah.

“We’re going to be attacked,” Tennessee growled.

I spun around until I spotted him standing beside Tegan, facing the rest of us. My pulse quickened. “Here?”

Tennessee shook his head. “At the beach. Be ready.”

“So…what’s the plan?” Easton scratched his jaw. “We just ride up and start swinging?”

“Guys,” Royce groaned and bent over to put his hands on his knees. “I’m gonna throw up. I can’t. I can’t attack her. We already know I can’t.”

“No one is asking you to attack Henley,” Tegan said with a sad smile.

Savannah frowned. “If we’re not attacking Henley, then who are we attacking?”

“Demons,” Riah and I said at the same time.

Tennessee hung his head. “Last time he sent a lot of demons our way, we have to assume he’ll do the same now.”

Braison held one finger up. “Question, didn’t our resident Queen of Darkness summon most of those?”

“I only summoned a few when y’all were all together and able to win.” Tegan shrugged. “Otherwise I was undercover damage control.”

Bettina sighed and shook her head. “Still wish I could have seen that.”

I grinned. “It was a sight to behold.”

“No, no,” Deacon shook his finger in my direction. “There’s no encouraging this behavior at a time like this. We wait until we win, then we praise her antics.”

Willow nodded. “Otherwise it’s dangerous territory.”

Tegan narrowed her eyes. “Thank you?”

Timothy cleared his throat and walked through the group until he was beside Tennessee. He scratched his beard. “What do we think we’re getting into here? What kind of attack we looking at?”

“He’s not capable of summoning or opening a Gap,” Riah spoke up. He crossed his arms over his chest and rocked back on his heels. “As you just witnessed.”

“We shouldn’t stall any longer.”

Everyone spun to face me with shocked faces.

I shrugged. “Other demons are drawn to him. The longer we stall, the more he could draw.”

Devon unsheathed two daggers from the straps on her thighs. “Let’s do this then.”

“I like your style.” Tennessee pointed to her. “But we need to not go in guns blazing.”

“He’s right, we’re still on recon. Follow my lead.” Tegan snapped her fingers and a portal opened up beside her. “Unless we’re attacked. Then you do you.”

Magic coiled around my waist and pulled. I flew across the room and into the portal before I could blink. Warm, sticky air slammed into me. It smelled like salt and fish. The light of her portal vanished…we were in a parking lot.

I had no idea what time it was but it was still dark and the sky was blacker than I’d ever seen it. There were no stars out. Even the moon seemed to be hiding. It was odd and eerie and sent my magic for a tailspin. Behind us was nothing but darkness, but I felt the calm presence of souls nearby. The parking lot couldn’t have held more than twenty cars when full, though there wasn’t a single one in sight. In front of us were some kind of dunes where the land was raised and tall strange green grass sprouted from the sand. In the distance I heard the gentle roll of waves on a shore.

Remember, follow my lead, Tegan said softly in our minds. He doesn’t know that we know, so act normal. Put your weapons away – but be ready for anything.

“Henley?” Tegan shouted. “We’re here. Where are you?”

“At the water!” Henley yelled back.

Royce snarled and lunged forward— and slammed into Tennessee’s chest. Kessler reached out and snagged him by the back of the shirt and hauled him back to his feet, but didn’t let go. Hunter rushed to his side and squeezed his shoulder. Golden light Copyright 2016 - 2024