The Rogue Witch - Chandelle LaVaun Page 0,164

of my portal right on the paved walkway that ran through the forest. The bright moonlight shining through the branches cast everything in a soft blue glow that made her hair look almost as violet as mine. Her porcelain skin really glowed. Her bright red painted lips looked sinister and inviting.

I materialized at the edge of the pathway, just behind a large oak tree. Henley didn’t miss a beat. She strolled down the pathway like this was the most normal thing she’d ever done. Like we hadn’t sent her out as bait.

As she walked, our invisible crew moved along the path with her. But about twenty feet down, dark gray smoke spilled out from the line of bushes and into the pathway. With every step she took the smoke grew closer and closer. Shadows danced in the distance, filling the spaces between the trees.

And then I felt him. His raw, hot energy made me uncomfortable.

He’s coming, Hen. Brace yourself. This is it.

Shadows darted out of the forest and into the open space. They were thick like the trunk of this oak tree I was behind. Except they looked more like hands reaching out with fingers curling in the dark— I gasped. That’s him! Even though I knew the plan, it was my plan, it took everything in me not to defend her.

Dark shadowy hands shot forward and grabbed her. Henley screamed but it was no use. Ten shadowy fingers coiled around her body like an anaconda snake from those monster movies. The hands were so large all I could see was her head and her platform boots. Henley thrashed and tried to get free, but each movement made the shadow hands grow bigger and stronger.

See you on the other side. I promise I will get him out. The plan still stands.

Her sapphire eyes widened, her face paling. She cursed like a pirate while trying to break free. The smoke and shadows billowed up from beneath the bricks. They swirled together at the ground, forming a circle around her feet.

There was a deep chuckle that echoed in the air and sent chills down my spine…and then he appeared right in front of her. He towered over her head and laughed.

Good luck. You can do this. You’ll be all right.

He opened his mouth and shadows poured from inside of him and right into her face. Her back arched. Her platform black leather boots lifted off the ground. Black smoke and shadow descended, wrapping around her like a tornado. I hadn’t seen the possession last time but this would haunt me.

The tornado vanished and Henley landed on her feet, but her balanced faltered and she fell forward. She stumbled a few feet, her jet-black hair draping into her face. She caught her balance, flipped her hair over her head, then looked up…and her eyes were red.

Demon-Henley did a little cat-stretch – and then vanished.

Chapter Fifty


Bright white light flashed — panicked energy slammed into me so hard it pushed my hair back from my face. They were scared. I was too. Henley was gone. Again. I hated this plan with every fiber of my being but I knew we had to do it and I wasn’t about to disrespect Henley by not letting her. Didn’t mean I had to like it.

When the light faded I was back in Lookout Tower, surrounded by the illusions of ourselves. Saffie, Bentley, Amelia, and Landy sat on the floor with Olli and Albert. Riah stood right behind them with a gold sword in each hand. Only someone who’s been through some shit would be armed and ready at all times. I liked that about him.

Bentley sighed. “It’s done,” he whispered.

Saffie looked up and her eyes widened. I knew she was only seeing the illusions of us but I also knew she felt us. A perk of the Death Card meant she could sense spirits, alive or dead.

Her pulse quickened. I saw the heavy beat in her throat. She reached back. “Riah—”

“I’m here,” he said in a cool, steely voice.

“So are they.” Saffie glanced around. “Guys? Someone talk to me.”

I wished I could but I knew they wouldn’t hear me.

Braison, grab Albert. Riah, get Olli, Tegan said into our minds.

Riah dove for Olli, scooping him into the cradle of his arms again. Albert flinched, his head snapped side to side.

Magic tingled in the air. Saffie frowned and glanced around –and then they were gone.

They’re right here, Tenn. This is just Tegan’s cloaking spell.

I looked to my right, to where Copyright 2016 - 2024