The Rogue Witch - Chandelle LaVaun Page 0,161

a million years would I have foreseen me handing Henley over on a silver platter to the same demon that possessed her in October.

But life had a funny way of doing things.

Except this time the plan wasn’t my own secret to keep. And that was a relief.

I snapped my fingers and my all too familiar white portal box opened up beside me. “Saddle up, y’all.”

There were some grumbles and a ton of nervous energy, but they all jumped through my portal without me forcing them to.

“Um, Tegan?”

I turned toward Saffie’s soft voice…and found her holding on to Constance’s arm. I frowned. “Yeah?”

She grimaced. “I would like to request that Constance remain here. She’s with child and I do not think we need to endanger her and the baby unnecessarily.”

“Oh.” I hadn’t thought of that. I needed to remember she was pregnant and would need special consideration.

Constance flushed and shook her head. “It’s not necessary—”

“Of course it is,” I cut her off with a wave of my hand.

“Tegan is right, Constance,” Tennessee said as he walked towards us. “The perk of having a few extra hands in our crew means the pregnant ones can take a back seat for a bit.”

She sighed and I felt the relief roll through her. “Thank you. I’m here if you need me though.”

I gave her a high five. Then I smiled at Saffie. “Thanks for lookin’ out.”

Saffie grinned. She waved her hands over her body and golden glitter swept over her…and then her dress was gone and she was wearing black leggings, brown boots, and a pale gray t-shirt. She pulled her wand out of nowhere and twirled it between her fingers. “Okay. Ready.”

Riah chuckled and walked up behind her with Olli still in his arms. “Come, love.” He held his other hand out and she took it.

I scanned the room and found everyone had gone through except for Tenn so I looked to the kitchen to Daniel and Kenneth. “You guys all set for surveillance?”

They both gave me thumbs-up without actually looking up. Their eyes were laser focused on the computer screen in front of them. They looked kind of silly all huddled close together and bent over. I pursed my lips and eyed the huge flat screen tv on the wall beside me…I flicked my wrist toward their computer, then at the tv – and the camera system filled the screen.

They gasped.

I winked. “That should be easier, gentlemen.”

When I turned back I found Tenn standing right behind me with his arms crossed over his chest. “Tell me.”

I frowned. “Tell you what?”

He arched one eyebrow and his green eye sparkled. “I know there’s more to your plan than this.”

I sighed and pressed my hand to his chest, right over the glyph that marked him as mine. “There is a phase two but I’m hoping it won’t come to that. But I promise I will tell you before I do anything. I won’t leave you in the dark like last time.”

He stepped back and walked to my portal, then looked back at me. “Just so you know, that wasn’t as reassuring as you think it was. But I’m going to trust you anyway.” Then he winked and leapt into the white light.

I smiled and shook my head as I jumped through the portal after him. He wasn’t going to like phase two so I was avoiding telling him until necessary. When the white light faded and my portal closed, I found a whole lot of confused expressions.

“Why are we in Lookout Tower?” Cooper scowled.

I glanced to Easton and Deacon, expecting some kind of dirty joke at my expense, but none came. Their expressions were stone cold serious. I both loved and hated that.

“Hold that question, please.” I summoned my magic in my hands and focused on the spell I needed…then I pushed my magic out to cover all of Lookout Tower and chanted, “I call upon the power of Fire, Hide all sounds as they transpire.”

The walls around us flashed with rainbow mist.

When it faded, I sighed. “Because he’s used to seeing The Coven here so it won’t be obvious that we’re setting a trap.”

Savannah raised her hand. “Pardon me, but where are we?”

“Hidden Kingdom.” Tenn pointed toward the doorway with his thumb. “Or down there is. This is The Coven’s hideout and safe space.”

“I don’t like being here,” Saffie whispered and shuddered.

We all spun toward her.

She cursed. “I said that out loud didn’t I?”

I nodded. “I’m sorry, Saffie.”

“You are no longer stuck here, Saraphina.” Copyright 2016 - 2024