The Rogue Witch - Chandelle LaVaun Page 0,158

hear what she hears – what the shadow monster hears.” She pulled her hair to the other side of her head and tapped behind her ear.

There was something missing. Something was on the tip of my tongue but I could not place it. And then Tegan turned her head and the ceiling light reflected off the gold hoop earrings on her ear and sparkled – I gasped. That’s it.

Tennessee glanced to me. “What’s it?”

Oh shit. Ooops. But it was no use being awkward about that now. I tucked my hair behind my ear and pointed to the earrings that were identical to Tegan’s. “I think we’d all feel more comfortable if we – or Tegan – could know Henley’s physical whereabouts at all times. I mean, you were able to track me when I was in the past.”

Tegan’s eyes lit up. “Now we’re talking. Are you okay with loaning yours?”

“Of course!” I reached up and started to take mine off when Savannah pushed off the far wall.

“Um, sorry, question about that jewelry?” Savannah pointed to me. “Don’t kill me for asking but…I wore Tegan’s half. I felt the power in that thing. Are you sure this demon won’t?”

“Plus it’s gold.” Willow threw her hands up. “Henley only wears silver.”

Lily frowned. “Tegan, can you make a new set?”


We all jumped and turned to Riah.

He shook his head. “While I have no doubts in the Aether Witch’s skills, the magic in these is from Keltie. A literal goddess. This demon will not be able to process what he’s feeling, if he feels it at all. A tracking spell by a witch, especially one as uniquely gifted as Tegan, would be noticed.”

I nodded. That settled it. I pulled my earrings and ring off, then walked over and set them in Henley’s open hand. “We don’t want to take any risks.”

“What about a decoy set?” Tennessee asked from behind me. “Like let’s give her another piece for tracking so that if he senses it, he’ll destroy the other one and not Keltie’s.”

“I love you. Brilliant.” Tegan grinned. “Lennox, put a bracelet on Henley and me in gold with a tracking spell.”

Lennox dashed across the room and then wrapped her hands around Henley’s and Tegan’s wrists. She closed her eyes and light flashed beneath her fingers. Her indigo hair shimmered like light was running through her body. And then she let go…and they both had slender gold bracelets on.

I cocked my head to the side and eyed her. “Give her more gold jewelry, like rings or something. So she looks like she just wears two-tone now.”

Tegan snapped her fingers. “Excellent. Very good. Okay, so now we’ll know your location and everything you hear—”

“What about sight?” Bettina skipped over excitedly and I totally understood how she was Tegan’s best friend. This kind of scheming was just as enthralling to her. “What if we could see what the shadow monster was seeing?”

“Like a GoPro deal?” Tegan’s eyes flashed and she practically danced. “Okay, but where—”

“A dermal.” Henley tapped on her face beside her eye, right on her cheekbone. “Perfect spot for one.”

Lennox gasped. “Sick. I can do that.”

“Can you connect it to a computer?” Kenneth asked from in the kitchen.

“Yeah, like whoever sits by the computer will be able to watch – like a security guard.”

I frowned. “But who will watch? They can’t be out where he might see—”

“I’ll do it.” Kenneth shrugged. “We need all our Cards ready to move, so let me watch. I’ll sit right here in this house and watch.”

“I’ll help,” Daniel said from beside him. “We can do it together.”

Tennessee smiled. “Thank you. That’s perfect.”

“Okay, now earbud time.” Tegan pressed her fingertip to the skin behind Henley’s ear. With her other hand, she touched the same spot behind her own ear. She held them there until her rainbow magic coiled around her wrist. She whispered some lines of a spell, but I couldn’t hear her. “Listening mark is set.”

“May I make a suggestion?” Bentley said in his little voice that did not carry like everyone else’s. “Put one on Bettina too? Don’t activate it yet if you don’t want, but just in case.”

Jackson arched both eyebrows. “Just in case? Right, how daft you think we are? What the bloody hell do you know and aren’t telling us?”

Bentley shrugged. “I don’t know.”

Jackson scoffed. “That’s a lie and we both know it.”

Bentley grinned and he looked exactly like Tegan despite the golden eyes. “I could tell you, then you’ll be as crazy as me Copyright 2016 - 2024