The Rogue Witch - Chandelle LaVaun Page 0,12

tunnel wall and pushed with my magic.

“STOP!” Riah shouted and charged for me, with another squadron of Knights behind him. “No, don’t—"

Green light flashed around me and little flowers popped out in my peripheral vision. Riah and his Knights were close, so I threw my other hand out and pushed. Gold glittery magic slammed into them like a solid brick wall. Riah leaned forward and braced himself as my magic washed over him, standing strong against my power. But his Knights all flew up into the air and slammed into the tunnel walls.

I didn’t wait. I spun and forced my magic into the tunnel wall. It split open and I dove through. Ice-cold air burned along my bare arms. I hissed and crashed into a mound of snow but my body kept rolling. When I finally stopped, I scrambled back to my feet and spun around with my stolen Knight sword gripped firmly in my hand.

Everything was white. Snow covered every inch of my surroundings. Hope flared in my chest. Did I do it? Did I go right back?

“TENNESSEE?” I spun in a circle, searching for black in a sea of white. “TEGAN?”

But there was no one. No answer but the howl in the wind that stung as it hit me. I winced and clenched my teeth. The temperature was bitter cold and this purple gown left my arms and chest completely bare. With every breeze the slits in the skirt flew up around me, letting more cold air to more of my skin.

Where are they?

“TEGAN? TENN?” I shouted again, my voice tight from the cold.

Except this was solid ground. There was no water, no floating ice. Those were mountains not glaciers. Wherever I’d seen them a minute before, I hadn’t gone back to the same spot.

With a curse, I trudged forward through the snow, wincing at the chill under my bare feet. My toes were already burning as frostbite came for me. I had to get out of here. I had to get help. And then I felt a wave of energy hit my back. I spun around and froze.

Up ahead in the distance, set into the tall snow-covered mountains, was a castle made entirely of glass. With the snow and the pale gray sky, it completely blended in. I didn’t know who lived there but all I needed was a phone.

There was only one phone number I’d memorized before my curse was broken.


Because she could find me wherever I was.

I took a step forward and then a tornado of snow swirled in front of me. I gasped and jumped back. The tornado stopped and snow fell to the ground. A man stood in its place, looking like he’d always been there yet not fitting in with the setting at all. My eyes widened. He wore a pristine white suit with a white shirt beneath it. If he had shoes on then they were either so buried in snow or they were also white and blending in. He stood there rocked back on his heels with his hands in his pockets.

The man was tall and had short white-blond hair that blended in with the snow falling around us. He arched one black eyebrow and cocked his head to the side. “You.”

What does THAT mean? I frowned and held my sword out in front of me. “Who are you?”

“Everest.” He glanced over his shoulder toward the castle, then turned back to me. His eyes were the strangest combination, blue rimmed white irises with royal blue pupils…and they were narrowed right on me. “You’re not safe here. Leave. Now.”

Before I could react, he threw his hand out and I flew straight back.

Chapter Three


My stomach dropped. I flew back into the Seelie tunnel. I caught a glimpse of Riah and his Knights in their golden armor but then I was soaring right out the other side. I was moving too fast. My back slipped through the tunnel wall at my back and I soared out the other side.

Hot, sticky air rushed over me. My wings popped out and flapped to try to catch me but that Everest guy had thrown me too hard. I was falling too fast. I couldn’t catch myself. I couldn’t even see where I was. Everything was bright and blue. The long skirt of my purple gown flew up over my head and I dropped head-over-feet. I kicked my arms and legs but all I found was more hot air that smelled like salt from the ocean.

Ocean? Oh Copyright 2016 - 2024