A Rogue to the Rescue (The Rogue Chronicles #4) - Lana Williams Page 0,79

toward her only to have her stiffen and cower back. “Miss Linfield is waiting and eager to see you.”

The woman blinked one more time before her lashes fluttered alarmingly. Then her head tipped back, and she crumpled on the bed, her body limp.

Her fainting made her rescue easier, Daniel thought with a resigned sigh. He lifted her into his arms, glancing about the room but not seeing any belongings that might be hers.

He carried her out and started down the stairs. The constable guarding the door held it open for him, and Daniel walked outside, relieved he didn’t have to worry about defending himself and the woman as he left this time.

The coachman must’ve spotted him as he drew the carriage forward. The footman hopped down and opened the door.

“You found her?” Beatrice’s astonishment stung.

Did she truly have so little faith in him?

“Indeed. Unfortunately, she seems to have fainted.” He managed to step inside with her and set her next to Beatrice.

“Miss Ramsey.” Beatrice leaned close to gently pat her cheek but still she didn’t stir. “Sarah.”

“I’ll return directly,” he advised Beatrice.

“Where are you going?”

“To see if anything was left behind.” He didn’t explain that he meant Finch.


He shut the door on Beatrice’s protest. There was no time to argue. He looked up at the coachman. “If I don’t return in a quarter of an hour, return to Aberland House. I’ll find my own way home.”

“Very well, sir.”

Daniel returned to the brothel but rather than entering through the front door, he hurried down the steps to the rear door only to find it locked. Hoping a constable might be guarding it as well, he knocked, pleased when the door opened.

The constable nodded as Daniel entered. But it took only a glance to realize Finch was nowhere to be seen. He continued toward the reception room where Hurdy had gathered the few male occupants together with the hope Finch was among them. Some were obviously guards, while those dressed nicely and protesting loudly appeared to be customers.

None of them were Finch.

He climbed the stairs once more. Perhaps the man was hiding somewhere or had been overlooked. But it only took a few minutes to look through each floor as all the doors now stood open and the rooms were empty.

Daniel paused alone at the top of the landing, frustration simmering within him at yet another failure.

Finch was still out there somewhere. He dreaded delivering the disappointing news to Beatrice.

“HOW IS SHE?” DANIEL asked the moment Beatrice returned to the drawing room after settling Sarah into bed.

“I think she’ll be fine. Caroline has been so kind as to make room for first me, then Mary and now Sarah.” Beatrice was beyond relieved that Daniel had found her friend yet felt terrible for bringing not one but two strangers in need under Caroline and Aberland’s roof. But she didn’t know what else to do. There was no place for them to go that she knew of.

Sarah had been confused, uncertain if Beatrice’s presence was real or a figment of her imagination. It seemed as if Daniel had arrived before anything truly untoward had occurred. But her fear had been palpable and her words muddled for the most part.

“A good night’s rest and time for the drug to wear off will help.” Beatrice’s voice caught on the last few words despite her intention not to become overly emotional in front of Daniel. Guilt that Sarah had ended up in the same situation as Beatrice made her feel positively ill.

He’d already done so much to aid her. The last thing he’d want to deal with was an overemotional female.

“Beatrice,” he said as he stepped closer.

She wanted him to take her into his arms and tell her all was going to be well. That he loved her, and they were in this together.

But he didn’t do any of those things. He only stood there staring at her with a guarded look. The distance between them made her ache with longing until she could hardly draw a breath.

Until this moment, Daniel hadn’t really looked at her since they’d discovered Sarah had been at the boarding house. She could only assume he was disappointed she hadn’t told Sarah the truth about what occurred. After all, that was what had caused the entire day’s events.

She swallowed against the lump in her throat, trying to hold in her emotions. Would an apology make any difference? It seemed inadequate considering the danger in which she’d placed not only Sarah but Daniel

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