A Rogue to the Rescue (The Rogue Chronicles #4) - Lana Williams Page 0,63

the very least, it would provide a chance to ask other women if they would find something like what you have in mind useful. A way of testing the waters.”

Beatrice smiled at her friend as gratitude filled her. “What would I do without you?”

“I don’t intend for you to ever find out.” Caroline returned her smile. “I didn’t realize I’d be gaining another sister when Daniel brought you here.”

“Nor did I. I’m so blessed.” Beatrice’s heart felt so full, she wondered if it would overflow. More than ever, she wanted to find a way to give back even a quarter of what she’d received since she’d come across Daniel on that dark street.

Chapter Fourteen

After much thought, Daniel took a lesson from whoever had been watching his townhouse the previous day and decided to do the same. He eased between two rows of tall hedges across the street but one house down from the brothel, doing his best not to tear his clothing. Pierre wouldn’t be pleased if he did.

He knew very little about Joseph Finch other than he owned three brothels. The only way to gain additional information was to observe him. He wanted to learn his schedule along with any other details he could.

His hope was that between Pierre and himself, they’d know Finch’s routine movements within a few days. Daniel was watching the place for half a day, beginning this morning, and Pierre would watch late afternoon into the evening. Daniel wanted to know exactly who Finch was in order to form the perfect plan to bring a halt to the man’s criminal activities.

However, he preferred not to be caught. Pierre had advised the other servants to keep an eye out for anyone watching the house. Thus far, no one had been seen, though only a little over a day had passed.

What did that mean?

The stranger’s presence seemed more like an announcement—or a warning—that Finch somehow suspected Daniel was behind Mary’s disappearance and the stolen money. If Daniel’s guess proved true, he couldn’t afford to wait to see what, if anything, Finch might do to retaliate. Daniel needed to take the initiative. Yet doing so required more information than he presently had about Finch.

When all this had started, he never would’ve guessed he’d be reduced to watching the place from which Beatrice had escaped. He had thought to contact a Runner and wait for results.

Not that Daniel minded getting his hands dirty. Quite the opposite. The challenge of attempting to outsmart an adversary both physically and intellectually was stimulating, as was working toward a greater purpose. His former image of himself as a rogue had faded, replaced by something better—dare he say more heroic?—all thanks to Beatrice.

However, he couldn’t forget for a moment the danger of his goal. Pierre had lectured him just this morning about taking care and avoiding trouble.

Daniel smothered a sigh. His continued need to somehow prove himself had yet to subside. While he’d gained Mary’s freedom, he’d accomplished little else. He hoped his warnings to the boarding house landlord and the clerk at the registry office had been enough to make them think twice before continuing their terrible scheme. But he didn’t know whether it had worked.

If Finch made finding women financially lucrative enough, both men might continue to work with him. After all, they didn’t directly play a role. They need only look the other way once they’d completed their small part. That, no doubt, assuaged their conscience. Money changed the scale for many when it came time to decide the strength of one’s morals.

Not knowing if he’d stopped the scheme gave Daniel another reason to watch the brothel. If he witnessed someone being bundled inside, he’d have an answer to that as well as a better understanding of Finch’s movements.

Daniel’s position provided an excellent view while hiding his presence. Unfortunately, it was far from comfortable. The notion of spending hours watching the area was daunting. But if he wanted more information on Finch, he had to start somewhere.

He’d been in place for well over an hour when an unmarked black carriage rolled into view and parked before the brothel. Finch stepped out, much to Daniel’s surprise, and barked an order at his driver to wait then knocked on the door of the house.

Perfect, Daniel thought with no small measure of excitement. He waited for Finch to go inside, then eased out of his hiding spot, careful to avoid being spotted by Finch’s driver. He strode up the street to where his rented

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