A Rogue to the Rescue (The Rogue Chronicles #4) - Lana Williams Page 0,48

the flickering flame beside the bed. “I don’t much like the dark anymore.”

“Of course.” Before Beatrice could ask, Sally rose and put some coals on the fire and soon had it burning cheerfully.

“There you go, miss,” Sally reassured Mary. “How’s that? Nice and bright, isn’t it? No need to worry anymore.”

“Yes. Thank you.” Mary scooted under the covers and pulled them up to her chin. “I can hardly believe I’m out of that place.” Her words slurred slightly as she closed her eyes.

“You have nothing to fear now. All is well.” Beatrice brushed her hand over the younger woman’s hair then rose, hoping Mary would sleep through the night.

“I’ll keep an eye on her, miss.” Sally settled into Beatrice’s chair by the bed. “I’ll come for you if there are any problems.”

Beatrice thanked her then left, hurrying down to the next level where Daniel was resting in one of the larger guest bedchambers. To her relief, the door was ajar. She took that as an invitation to enter.

A look inside showed him alone, sitting up in the bed, his broad shoulders bare above the bedcovers. He smiled at the sight of her as if pleased to see her.

“What did the doctor say?” she asked as she walked closer.

“To avoid knives from now on,” he jested. The teasing light in his eyes helped to reassure her that he was well.

“How many stitches?”

“More than I cared to count.” He grimaced as he shifted.

She should leave, especially since she couldn’t seem to take her eyes off those bare, broad shoulders corded with muscle. “Does it hurt terribly?” she asked only to berate herself. “Of course, it does. What a silly question.”

“It does, but nothing that won’t soon heal. Richard insists I spend the night. He sent word to Pierre so he wouldn’t wonder what became of me.”

“I’m surprised he wasn’t with you this evening.” The anger that Daniel had taken such a risk alone returned.

She’d been concerned when he hadn’t been at the dinner party. But when they’d stopped by his home afterward, and Pierre had said he’d thought Daniel was with them, Beatrice had been truly frightened, certain something was wrong.

Richard had asked if she had any idea where he might’ve gone, and the brothel popped into her mind immediately.

“I thought it best if I attempted to deal with the situation alone.” Daniel’s lips twisted, making her wonder at his thoughts.

But he didn’t elaborate, much to her disappointment.

“I fear you’ll catch an earful when you return home. Pierre was very worried,” Beatrice added. Pierre might be Daniel’s valet, but she knew their relationship was more than servant and master.

“I have no doubt he’ll share his opinion without hesitation.”

Suddenly, Beatrice couldn’t hold back the well of emotion that clogged her throat. She stepped closer and took his hand in hers. “I’m so relieved you weren’t hurt worse. And I can’t believe you freed Mary. Thank you so much. You took a terrible risk.”

“I know how much her not leaving with you bothered you, and I detested that. I just wish I had done it sooner.” He threaded his fingers with hers, the warmth of his hand settling her.

Beatrice hardly knew how to respond. To think that he didn’t care to see her upset was one thing. Having him take such a risk on her behalf was another. Longing swept through her at his touch. If only— She stopped her thoughts before they carried her away with the hope of what could never be.

“How is she?” Daniel asked.

“I think she’ll recover, though I worry what she’s already been through.” In truth, Beatrice was reluctant to know, for there was nothing she could do to change it. After the passing of this many days, she would guess Mary had been forced into prostitution. What that meant for her future was yet to be determined.

“Since I couldn’t get Hurdy to act, I decided something needed to be done. I did what I could to disrupt the entire brothel as we left. Though what I managed to do was only temporary.”

“I wish I could’ve seen it. I can only imagine.”

“If not for you, I wouldn’t have known about Finch and his terrible deeds. I only wish he’d been there, so I could’ve confronted him.”

Beatrice couldn’t help but shudder at the thought. “I’m pleased he wasn’t. The man has no heart from what little I know.” She didn’t care for the steely look that entered Daniel’s expression—as if the matter was far from over. “I hope Mr. Hurdy

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