A Rogue to the Rescue (The Rogue Chronicles #4) - Lana Williams Page 0,30

Beatrice remembered them clearly. Her mother had accused him of putting other families ahead of his own. He’d always insisted it was only temporary, then he’d smile and kiss her mother’s cheek, telling her that she and Beatrice would always be the most important people in his life.

But after her mother had passed away, no one had been there to remind him. Only Beatrice and her questions had fallen on deaf ears. She loved her father dearly and missed him but couldn’t help a sliver of resentment at the circumstances in which he’d left her.

Wishing wouldn’t change anything, so she rose to wash and dress for the day, then penned a message to Daniel, hoping he wouldn’t mind her request.

The morning passed slowly as she assisted Caroline with sorting through the contents of a chamber she wanted to use for the nursery. The butler found a few toys and other belongings in the attic that had been Lord Aberland’s, and they brought tears to Caroline’s eyes.

“Don’t mind me,” Caroline said as she waved a hand before her face as if to dry her tears. “My emotions often get the better of me these days.”

“It’s completely understandable,” Beatrice reassured her. “Many expectant mothers feel that way.” She’d spoken with many in their village over the years.

“I’m visiting my parents today and intend to give my own mother an extra hug for going through all this when she had me. Would you like to join me?”

“I was hoping Mr. Walker might call to discuss the investigation. I sent a message to him earlier.”

Caroline smiled. “You are to be commended for your concern for the women in the brothel. Not everyone would be in your position. They’d only be happy to have escaped and quickly wash their hands of it.”

“I dreamed about Mary just before I woke this morning.” Beatrice shook her head. “Guilt fills me when I think about how I’m spending my day compared to her.”

“You tried to convince her to escape with you. And you’ve contacted the authorities, given them the brothel location, plus the name of the man you believe to be in charge. I’m not certain what more you can do at this point.”

Beatrice decided against mentioning her plan to return to the registry office to Caroline. At least not until after she spoke with Daniel to see if he’d assist her.

A short time later, Caroline left with the earl to call on her parents, leaving Beatrice alone in the drawing room.

Beatrice had told Margaret of her wish to make something special for the baby, and Margaret sent over a plain christening gown with a suggestion that Beatrice embroider it. Beatrice settled into the settee by the window to take advantage of Caroline’s absence. She hoped to surprise her with the garment so she could only work on it when she was alone.

“Good afternoon, Miss Linfield.” Daniel walked into the room with a smile before she’d taken more than a few stitches.

“Mr. Walker.” Beatrice’s heart lifted at the sight of him. She set aside the needlework to rise. “Thank you so much for coming.”

“You must’ve read my thoughts, for I was planning to call on you today.” His hazel eyes held hers. “I hope you are well?”

“I am. Thank you. And you?” She did her best to ignore the flutters in her stomach, telling herself they were merely nerves caused by his steady regard. The way he looked at her, as if he truly wanted to know how she felt in every aspect, was flattering, if unsettling.

“Quite well.” He gestured to the settee and joined her. “I wish I had something definitive about the investigation to tell you. Hurdy continues to gather information from what he’s told me.”

“Is he doing the gathering or are you?” Based on what Daniel had told her during their last visit, she would guess it continued to be the latter.

“A bit of both. He now has a few more details to aid him.”

“Oh?” Something about the way he said it as well as the fact that he glanced away made Beatrice study him closer.

Then suddenly, she knew. “You returned to the brothel.”

“Pierre and I watched it for a time.”

“You saw Mr. Finch.” Why she was so certain, she couldn’t say. Fear had her clenching her hand. Just the mention of his name was enough to make her shiver.

“I saw someone who matched your description of him closely. I hope that two accounts confirming his presence in the brothel will encourage Hurdy to press

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