A Rogue No More - Lana Williams Page 0,91

her breath came quicker, her heartbeat speeding with each move he made.

She ran her fingers along his body, caressing his smooth skin until she reached the stiffness of his manhood. She’d learned what he liked in the months since their marriage. Now she reveled in using that knowledge until he moaned and caught her hand.

“Stop. A moment, if you please,” he whispered. “You’ll have this over before it begins.”

“Trust me. It already began.”

“It did?” he teased, then kissed her deeply as his hand moved down her curves, found her center, and the wetness there. He touched her intimately, causing her hips to move in the rhythm he led. “You may be right.”

She shifted her body along his, sighing as he took hold of her hips and eased her on top of him. His hands held her bottom, adjusting her to fit against his hardness.

Passion pulsed through her as she took his hard staff inside her. “Oh yes,” she murmured, loving the feeling of him as part of her, of the two of them as one.

“Darling, you are my world.”

Her heart soared at his words. “And you are mine.” She placed a hand on his cheek, her gaze holding his, reveling in the joy she felt in not only their physical union but their emotional one as well. Had she but known what the gift of love would give her, she would’ve welcomed it with open arms. But only with Thomas. He was perfect for her.

Then together, they rode through the storm, pressure building within her as her body tightened with each thrust.

“Let go, darling,” he whispered. “I’ve got you.”

As if his words gave her permission, she found her release, stars shattering behind her eyes as she gave into the moment.

Thomas soon joined her, his body shuddering beneath hers.

In the sweet moments of aftermath, he moved her to his side and tucked her in his arms, trailing a finger along her cheek. “Thank you.”

“For what?” she asked.

“For showing me what true happiness is. For our life together. For the gift of your love.”

Tears filled her eyes at his tender words. “Thomas, my life is so much more than I dreamed it could be.”

He smiled, the joy in his eyes one more gift. “Then we shall dream together, my sweet, for we’ve only just begun. Always and forever.”


Ready for another story in The Rogue Chronicles? Watch for Daniel Walker’s (the brother of the Earl of Aberland), A ROGUE TO THE RESCUE, coming October, 2020.


While you’re waiting, I invite you to read A KNIGHT’S QUEST, Book 1 of the Falling For a Knight series, which is already available (also available in Audio). Here’s a sneak peek:


England, 1298

Sir Garrick de Bremont heard the riders coming before he saw them. The clink of armor and the muffled sound of horses’ hooves on hard-packed earth heralded the unwelcome arrival. His horse tossed his head at their approach. He didn’t bother drawing his sword for he knew both who the riders were and what they wanted. That didn’t mean he liked it.

Dusk was falling on Garrick’s third night on the road. Days were still short and the air often bitter this time of year. March was a foul time to travel as the condition of the roads was unpredictable, but he had no choice. Duty called. He nearly smiled at the sense of purpose he now had. That purpose had eased the loneliness that filled him the moment the gates of Staverton Keep, his family’s home, closed behind him. But the time had come to forge his own path away from the intimidating reputation of his grandfather, father, and brother.

He stood, hands on hips, awaiting his guests, doing his best to shove aside the doubt that had been his constant companion since he’d agreed to this mission. Doubt that he could fulfill his oath. Doubt as to why he’d insisted on taking his brother’s place on this quest to Scotland.

Before he could dwell on his worries any further, two riders entered his camp. The large, armed knights appeared ready for battle with mail and helms in place, and swords strapped to their sides, but Garrick wasn’t concerned at their fierce appearance.

“Tell me you brought something for our supper,” he called out as they drew to a halt.

The two men shared a glance before removing their helms.

“Damn that second sight of yours, Garrick. It steals the joy from our lives.” Braden shook his head, his long dark hair and beard something admired by all the ladies they

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