Rogue Devil (The Rourkes #11) - Kylie Gilmore Page 0,8

If denying my natural urges isn’t heroic, then I don’t know what is. Someone give me a medal.

The courses arrive one after the other—lobster, stuffed goose, mashed potatoes (also with lobster), Brussel sprouts, and some kind of vegetable I don’t recognize. I join in the conversation, joking around with my brothers and occasionally lowering my voice when my dad sends me a pointed look meant to remind me of my manners. I can get loud sometimes. My dad is a stickler for manners because of his strict royal upbringing. Even through all that, my attention returns to Chloe again and again. Every time I catch her eye, she looks away. I know she’s sneaking looks at me too. I can feel it.

After a delicious dessert called a Noel log, we’re invited back to the parlor for brandy by the fire. I like the parlor, it’s the most comfortable room in the palace with its leather sofas and club chairs, but first I need to know if Chloe’s going to be there. I really do want to check in with her.

She darts out the dining room door before anyone else, and I follow her.

“Hey, Chloe, are ya heading to the parlor for drinks?”

She turns and shakes her head. “I don’t drink.”

“Why not?”

“I’m not twenty-one yet.”

Didn’t I say she was like an angel? I’ve heard drinking is real popular with the college crowd.

I close the distance, my lips curving into a small smile. “This is Villroy. Legal age to drink is eighteen.”

She crinkles her adorable nose. “No, thanks.”

“Well, you don’t have to drink. Everyone’s just gonna be hanging out. Come on, it’ll be fun.”

Her green eyes search mine. “Are you, like, hitting on me?”

Man, I suck at this friend thing.

Heat creeps up my neck. “No. What? No. Why would you say that?” I gesture down the hall. “I was just wondering if you were joining us.”

She studies me for a long moment.

Did I protest too much?

“Okay,” she says. “I’m going back to my room now.”


“To read medical journals.”

My eyes widen in surprise. I thought she was in college. She’s already reading medical journals? Isn’t that what doctors do?

I stare at her. “Are you going to be a doctor?”

She nods. “I plan to be a medical researcher and cure cancer.”

I gape for a moment. I can’t help it. It’s not just because it’s such a noble cause. It’s the way she says it, plainly, matter-of-factly. “Wow. Okay.”

She lifts her chin. “It’s important work.”

“No question.” I shove my hands in my pockets. “But did ya ever hear all work and no play makes for a dull brain?”

She scowls. “Did you just call me dull?”

I grin. “Not you, your brain. You have to take time off to keep your mind sharp.”

More of my family spills into the hall, talking and laughing. I glance over my shoulder at them and turn back to her. “So maybe we could do something besides drinks in the parlor. Something fun.” I want to spend time with her, whether or not it leads to anything more. She’s just so different from the women I usually meet. And I want to hear her story, what really happened today that had her showing up in my room looking like she was tossed from a moving vehicle.

“Something fun,” she echoes, her brows knitting as if she has to think hard about it. I almost want to laugh. Who thinks hard about having fun?

Her sister appears with baby Henry asleep on her shoulder. “Hi, Brendan.” I met her at her wedding to my cousin, though somehow I missed Chloe at the time. Probably because that wedding was the first time in decades our family showed up on Villroy after my dad was banished. Tense times.

“Hey, Sara. Looks like your little guy conked out early.” Henry’s mouth hangs wide open.

“Aww,” Chloe says, stroking his cheek and then kissing it. Something in the vicinity of my heart shifts.

Sara smiles at the baby and then gets serious as she lifts her gaze to Chloe. “I’m going to put him to bed. Me too. I’m still up at least three times a night with him. I just wanted to check in with you. Are you doing okay?” She sounds very motherly and concerned.

Chloe glances at me, looking embarrassed. “I’m fine.” Her voice is tight.

“You sure?” Sara presses. “I don’t mind if you want to come back to my room for a bit to study.”

Chloe shakes her head. “No, you need your sleep. I’m okay.”

“Really?” Sara asks.

Chloe exhales sharply. Copyright 2016 - 2024