Rogue Devil (The Rourkes #11) - Kylie Gilmore Page 0,56

my hand and guides me through the front room of his parents’ rowhouse, oblivious to my turmoil. “Everyone’s probably out back.”

It’s a long space with the pocket doors separating the rooms open—living room in front, kitchen in center, and dining room in back.

“Hey, you made it,” Garrett says, stepping inside and heading to the kitchen. “Dad’s irritated you’re so late without a word. Bad form, bro.” He smiles at me. “Good to see ya, Chloe. What’re you still doing hanging around with this guy?”

Brendan jabs a finger at him and narrows his eyes in a threatening glare. “Watch it, Beast.”

Garrett waves him on. “Bring it. I can so take you now. Unlike when we were kids.”

Brendan stalks over to the kitchen, squaring off with him.

My eyes widen. Garrett is jacked. There’s a reason they call him Beast. I don’t doubt he could take on Brendan despite how fit and muscular he is too.

“Don’t touch him.” My voice comes out harsh.

Both men turn toward me in surprise.

“He’s had enough rough stuff for today,” I say, thinking of his confrontation with Michael.

Garrett smiles widely. “Cool, whatever.”

My cheeks heat as I realize it sounds like I’m implying Brendan and I did some rough bondage or something.

Brendan’s eyes go soft. “Chloe, baby, come here.”

I’m too embarrassed to move. He walks over, pulls me into his arms and kisses me.

Garrett whistles a jaunty tune as he gets a couple of bottled waters out of the refrigerator. He winks at me. “Nice how you stand up for your man. See ya out there.”

“He’s not my man,” I mutter. That sounds like we’re married or something.

As soon as the door shuts behind him, Brendan turns to me. “I’m not your man?”

I have to be honest with him. “I’m a bad bet.”

“Yeah, well, I’ll take that bet all day long. Come on.” He takes my hand and guides me through the dining room to the back door. “We have to make the rounds before I can get you alone again.”

“Wow,” I mutter. “You’ve got incredible sexual stamina.” We already did it three times today.

He pushes the door open and holds it, waiting for me to go through. It’s loud in the backyard between a speaker blasting Neil Diamond and the gathering of people talking and laughing. “Incredible what?” he asks.

I pitch my voice over the noise, “Sexual stamina.” My voice rings out just as the song ends.

The crowd goes silent, all eyes on us.

“Now we know what made him so late,” one of his brothers quips.

Everyone laughs.

I’m so mortified I don’t know whether to turn tail and run, or insist we were delayed for nonsexual reasons. My full-body blush is a dead giveaway.

His mom speaks up in a tight voice. “Brendan, Faith is here.” She gestures to a pretty brunette woman in a modest short-sleeved floral dress standing by her side.

Brendan mutters a curse under his breath. Who’s Faith? She’s in her twenties, a kind of wholesome-looking girl next door. She smiles sweetly at Brendan. Is she an ex?

Everyone is still staring at us standing on the deck, which is beginning to feel like a stage. He ambles down the steps, and I follow directly behind him, letting his big body hide my blushing face.

His mom joins us. “Hi, Chloe, I didn’t realize you’d be here.”

“Hi.” I turn to Brendan in question, and he shrugs.

His mom smiles brightly. “Well, the more the merrier.” She narrows her gaze on Brendan. “I’ve been wanting you to meet Faith. She’s new in town, and I thought you might like to spend some time together.” She holds her hand out to me. “Chloe, why don’t you come sit with me?”

Oh my God. His mother set him up.

I don’t know whether to laugh or run screaming from the yard. My nerves feel raw and exposed. I’m physically and emotionally spent in a way I’ve never been before. Now that we’ve crossed the line, being with Brendan is almost too much for me to handle.

He grabs my hand, keeping me anchored at his side. I glance over and the tips of his ears are bright red. “Mom, Chloe and I are together.”

Faith stares at the ground, blushing.

I feel bad for her. Brendan did tell his mom that we were just friends at Jack’s wedding.

“You coulda kept me up to date,” his mom says through her teeth. “Didn’t you get my text saying I wanted you to meet her?”

“Yes,” Brendan replies, also through his teeth. “I just didn’t know you were going to force the Copyright 2016 - 2024