Rogue Beast (The Rourkes #12) - Kylie Gilmore Page 0,62

a look that says step up, man.

I cup her jaw and kiss her. “Anyone who tries to get near you has to get through two manly beasts ready to kick ass.”

She gives me a wobbly smile, resting her hand on my chest. “That reminds me of when I mistook you for my guard.”

I place my hand over hers. “Best day ever.”

She unbuttons my white dress shirt enough to slip her hand in, stroking my chest. “You’re a great distraction,” she purrs.

I stroke her hair back over her ear. I hope I’m more than that.

She removes her hand and buttons my shirt. “So I told you all about my week. How’s things with you?”

“Well, first of all, I’m an uncle again.” I can’t help my wide smile as I pull out my phone to show off the picture of my twin nieces. “These are my oldest brother Dylan’s girls, Maya and Eva. Fraternal twins, though it’s hard to tell them apart at this point. Maya’s wearing the striped yellow hat, and Eva’s wearing the striped pink. Mom and babies are doing great.”

“Congratulations! So that makes how many nieces and nephews for you?”

“Three nieces, all from Dylan’s family, but there’s more on the way. My brother Jack’s wife is due the first week of November. Connor’s wife is expecting too, but that’s still a while away. Anyway, we’re having a big-sister party at my parents’ house tomorrow. It’s family tradition to have a party for the older sibling before the baby comes home, to make them feel special. Each of my older brothers got one when the next kid came along to bump them out of baby-brother status, except yours truly since I’m the youngest. You wanna go?” I want to introduce her to my family because I have a good feeling about us.

Her eyes widen, her jaw dropping.

I press under her chin, closing her mouth, and kiss her. “Why so shocked?”

“You want me to meet your parents and, like, your whole family?”

“Yeah, it’ll be fun.”

She stares at me. “That sounds serious.”

“I met your grandmother.”

“That was more like…well, you offered…”

“I was a buffer?”


I tuck my phone away, hiding my disappointment. “That’s okay. You don’t have to go.”

“No, I will. I’m not used to meeting my boyfriend’s parents. Now I’m nervous. Do I bring something?”

I smile. “Not necessary. And don’t worry, Josie will be there too. My brothers are like me, only not as cool.”

She laughs.

“And, in other good news, I booked a second commercial. I’m psyched. Filming is next Friday. It’s for an electric car that I’m gonna make look cool just by fake driving it. The script says I park it in the city, plug it into a charging station, and then walk off with my beautiful girlfriend. No lines, so it’s super easy. I asked if you could play my girlfriend, but they’d already cast it.”

She bites her lower lip.

I meet her eyes. “Are you upset I asked for a part for you, or that I got the gig?”

She squeezes my arm. “Neither. It was nice of you to think of me.”

“I’m psyched. After this, I’ll have enough for a down payment on a house. It’s a dream come true.”

She leans her head against my shoulder, and I wrap an arm around her. “I’m happy for you.” She doesn’t sound enthusiastic, but she’s trying. It’ll take time for her to trust me. I get that, and I’m willing to put in the time. What I’m not willing to do is give up what’s shaping up to be a lucrative new career. My agent is working hard to find me more and better work, and I love working with my acting coach, who’s been very encouraging.

I’m starting to think acting could be a real possibility. For the first time in my life I’ve got ambition, something I’m willing to work really hard for. And it’s all mine. I’m replaceable at my job. That’s a fact. My brothers could always get another guy on crew. If they had really wanted me to stick around, they would’ve given me a title and position. I shouldn’t feel so guilty about branching out on my own.

My family and Harper need to be on board with this new direction because, if something big comes along, I’m not giving it up.


I’m trying to wrap my mind around the whirlwind night so far. I was excited to see Garrett; then I had a reminder of why I have a guard in the first place when Walter approached me Copyright 2016 - 2024