Rogue Beast (The Rourkes #12) - Kylie Gilmore Page 0,3

flashing white against a sexy five-o’clock shadow. “I’m perfectly comfortable.”

I’m dying here.

This is not at all embarrassing.

“Good,” I say softly.

Our gazes lock. I’m enthralled, aching to get closer. The attraction is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. If we had an on-screen chemistry test, the director would go nuts for us as a couple. You need him. Don’t screw this up. I can’t look away, caught in something more powerful than myself. Oh, God, it’s mutual. The attraction is mutual. Ah, hell.

I tear my gaze away, scrambling to figure out how to navigate a professional relationship when I’m as lusty as a teenager coming face-to-face with my crush. And my crush is into it.

“What do you like to do when you’re not working?” he asks.

I attempt to sound casual and normal. “I love books and music, especially live performances.”

He shifts toward me. “Yeah? Me too. I hit up as many music festivals as I can.”

I smile. “Cool.” I’ve heard music festivals are fun, but with the large crowds it’s impossible for me to attend like a normal person. I only went once when a headliner, who was a friend of mine, invited me. I watched from backstage with her security detail.

A sharp knock on my trailer door startles me, and I leap up. “They probably want me on set. We should go.”

I head for the door and open it, expecting one of the production assistants. Instead it’s a scary-looking man with a shaved head and a neck tattoo, wearing a white button-down shirt open to mid-chest, revealing another tattoo over one of his pecs. Good thing I’ve got Joe here. How did this scary guy get past security?

His brown eyes are intent on mine as he offers his hand to shake. “Harper Ellis, I’m Joe Sullivan.”

My bodyguard.

My stomach drops. “What?” I whisper over the roaring in my ears.

“Your new bodyguard,” he says. “I got a little lost on the way to your trailer. Hey, you okay? You look kinda pale.”

The complete stranger I let into my trailer brushes by me and steps outside. “Real nice to meet ya, Harper. Save some of that chocolate for Joe.” He winks, turns, and walks away.

I slip back into my trailer and make my way to the sofa, flopping down in a cold sweat. My real bodyguard waits outside.

Who the hell did I let into my trailer?



As exits go, it was a pretty good one, but the look of horror on Harper’s face has me making an about-face. I know I was in the wrong. It’s just that I didn’t want to spoil the moment by admitting I wasn’t her bodyguard. Plus, the chemistry between us is electric. She wants me. Not bragging, either. I could feel it, see it in her eyes, hear it in her voice. I’m good at reading people. I want her too, so if we could just get past this misunderstanding…

I check in with her guard, letting him know I’m on set because my sister-in-law Josie is the star of Living Gold. I’m sure he doesn’t want to get on the bad side of the star at his new place of employment. After he confirms it with the head of security, he lets me through.

I knock on her trailer door and wait, the blood pumping through my veins. My first time on set has been an adventure so far. With potential for—

The door flies open. Harper’s hazel eyes flash pure fury. God, she’s beautiful. From her mass of curly dark brown hair to her smoking hot body in that slip of a dress all the way down to her sexy toned legs.

“Who are you?” she demands. “How did you get on set?”

“Is there a problem?” her guard asks, stepping closer.

“I’m on the list,” I tell her. “Can I come in? I’ll explain everything.”

She gestures me impatiently in, telling her guard, “It’s fine.”

I step inside, letting the door quietly shut behind me.

She slams her hands on her hips. “So? Explain.”

I hold my palms up. “I’m Garrett Rourke. My sister-in-law is Josie Abbott, and I was on my way to my reserved seat in the studio audience when I ran into you.” And you invited me in.

She purses her lips. “Why don’t I ask her that right now, hmm?” She grabs her phone from the sofa and texts rapidly, her brows drawn down in concentration. She lifts her head. “No reply yet.”

“Sean’s probably distracting her.” More like hooking up with her, but hey, they’re madly in love and married, so why Copyright 2016 - 2024