Rocker (Cerberus MC #13) - Marie James Page 0,74

away,” Shadow says with an easy smirk.

So maybe we don’t always play by the rules, but Cerberus isn’t using their abilities to harm anyone other than pieces of shit that do harm to others.

“Past, unreported abuse isn’t going to get you guys on his property,” Whitman reminds us.

“We could just go and have a talk,” Kincaid offers with a shrug. “Nothing illegal about talking to a man.”

“In full combat gear?” Whitman’s eyes dance toward the cases in the corner. “I’m already looking over the fact that you guys are here with enough shit to wage war on a mid-sized town—without the proper permits I might add—but going full commando on a bitter old man, guns blazing isn’t something I can hide in a report.”

“So, no guns,” Jinx says, one hand popping the knuckles on the other.

Kincaid frowns, but I can see his mind working, trying to figure out a way.

“Maybe we wait until he leaves his property,” I suggest. “We just want to talk with him anyway.”

Whitman doesn’t look convinced, and I guess that makes him smarter than I thought at first when he showed up in chinos and a polo.

“Talk,” Whitman scoffs. “Come on guys, give me something to work with.”

“What if we go talk and he admits to killing his wife?” Jinx asks.

“If only we could be so lucky,” I mutter.

“Maybe he’s upset about it? The man beat her for years, and when he finally killed her, it left him with no one to abuse. I’m sure he’s got tons of pent-up anger,” Jinx continues.

“He already thinks he’s above the law,” Shadow interjects. “Running off at the mouth and saying shit that could get him in trouble if he were anywhere else isn’t that farfetched.”

“Sounds nearly impossible, plus you have to disclose recording devices, and I don’t see the man spilling his guts once he knows there will be evidence.” Whitman is shutting us down around every damn corner, but I understand the integrity he possesses. In most situations all of us are the same way, but this is personal.

“Just a conversation,” Kincaid bargains.

“Not much of a conversation when five guys show up. Sounds more like an intimidation tactic.” Whitman frowns, and I can tell he wants to get involved. He doesn’t want this man to get away with what he’s done or be left with the ability to continue to hurt people.

“Just us two then?” Jinx says, pointing between him and me. “We’ll go. If he knows our link to Simone, it may be enough to get his lips to loosen.”

“No fucking way,” Shadow snaps. “Sending you two in alone is a recipe for disaster.”

“It could work,” Kincaid argues.

Kincaid’s wife was in an abusive relationship when they met, and I know the man is itching to rid the world of all men who think it’s okay to hurt women.

“Diego,” Shadow warns. “Don’t make this personal.”

“Jeremy Murphy Jr. made this personal when he hit Simone. It became personal when she showed up on my doorstep beaten and bruised.”

“She could’ve lost the baby,” Jinx whispers. “My baby.”

Well, that’s like a fucking punch to the gut, both because of the reminder that I’m still on the outside of that entire situation, but also because Jinx is already so enamored by his unborn son.

“It’s personal,” Shadow agrees. “But can you take a step back from that and not kill the man?”

“There would be no legal justification to go on his property as civilians and hurt him. If he ends up hurt or dead, there’s no way around prosecution.”

“Maybe one of you—” Jinx holds up a hand to silence Kincaid.

“We’re not going to kill the man.”

Speak for yourself.

I don’t say the words out loud but I might as well have yelled them inside the crowded hotel room because Shadow can see from the look in my eyes that I can’t make the same promise.

“We’re professionals,” I say instead. “We can handle this.”

“If he’s as pissed as your guys are saying, he’s going to talk shit. He’s going to say horrible things about that girl. You’re going to have to let that shit slide off.” Whitman looks between Jinx and me like the decision has already been made that we’ll be going to speak with him alone. “You can’t threaten him either.”

“That’s the entire point of us being here. If we don’t scare him, he won’t stop,” Jinx argues.

“Then this is dead in the water.” Whitman nods to Kincaid before turning back toward the door.

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