Rocker (Cerberus MC #13) - Marie James Page 0,25

arms around her waist or lean in close enough to smell the flowery scent of her still damp hair. I keep my distance, still aware every time she moves a couple inches, and I find myself hoping that she will turn over in her sleep and reach for me.

She never does.

Chapter 10


I’ve never been a restless sleeper. Even when I’m upset or nervous, I don’t toss and turn. Once I get settled into a comfortable position, I pass out and stay right where I fell asleep. At least it’s been this way since Jeremy was sent to prison and I was no longer afraid I’d be woken up with his fists if he deemed I’d done something wrong.

So looking down at the disheveled side of the bed I wasn’t sleeping on last night is telling. It means someone slept in here with me, and even though I’d put money on it being Rocker, I’m not crazy enough to bend down and check the pillow for the distinct scent of his cologne.

Honestly, I don’t even want to think about the fact that I know how differently those two men smell. I don’t want to think about them at all, but the chatter coming from the kitchen along with the smell of amazing food, something I haven’t had lately considering what the hospital tries to pass off as edible, tell me I’m not alone in my apartment.

I haven’t been alone for days, and even though I was extremely annoyed yesterday about my lack of independence, a good night’s sleep cures a lot of problems—my attitude clearly being one of them. Instead of wanting to run into the kitchen and demand they leave, I’m only mildly annoyed this morning at them being here.

I don’t bother putting on more clothes than the t-shirt and panties Rocker helped me into after my shower yesterday afternoon. Both of those men have been inside of me, so the time to be shy flew out the window long ago. I refuse to put myself through pain just to appease their sensibilities, which I doubt they even have.

“Good morning,” I mutter as I shuffle into the kitchen.

Both guys turn their heads, smiling widely as they look at me.

The unfiltered sight of them nearly knocks me over, but I blame the blows to my head I suffered for my unsteady legs.

Jesus, if I wasn’t already pregnant, I imagine I’d immediately start ovulating at the sight of the two of them. Neither have shirts on. Hell, Rocker isn’t even wearing jeans, and the lines of muscles stacked on top of more muscles on his torso should be outlawed. The sight of his thick thighs straining the integrity of his boxer briefs makes my skin flush.

Of course they’re hot. The Cerberus guys are all too fucking hot for their own good, but two of them in my kitchen at once? If anyone could get a gander at what I’m seeing right now, they’d fully understand why jumping into bed with them at the same time wasn’t an offer I could turn down, no matter that it led to today.

“Good morning,” Rocker says as his eyes drift down to my bare legs. “Coffee?”

“No,” Jinx snaps as he stands up straight from his leaning position against the counter. “No coffee. Juice or milk?”

I cock an eyebrow at him.

“She drinks coffee, man. Her cabinets have like ten different kinds,” Rocker argues, his eyes finally making it up to my face.

My skin heats with the attention but the tightness in my breasts are no match for the tightness in my still bruised face. I want to cower away, hide the marks from him because I can’t begin to understand the lust in his eyes right now with how I look. Honestly, I find it seriously freaking creepy, making me wonder if a guy who looks at me in my state and still manages a smile isn’t capable of producing the same injuries himself.

I shake my head clearing them of those thoughts. Neither one of these guys has ever displayed any type of behavior that would make me second-guess them. Of course I’ve flinched around them a few times, but that’s more about ingrained self-preservation rather than fear of them actually getting violent with me.

“Simone?” Jinx asks when all I can do is let my eyes drift between the pair of men. “You’re cutting back on caffeine, right?”

“Is there apple juice?”

Jinx grins wide as he nods his head, and I don’t miss the look of satisfaction he Copyright 2016 - 2024