Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,67

anyway. It wasn’t the first time someone had given me their mom’s phone number, as crazy as that sounded.

“Thank you. Think I’m good now,” he said once the chocolate was gone. “My boss is going to have my ass if I don’t get back to work.”

Damian gave me a quick hug, and I wandered away with my water, finding a high-top table in an inconspicuous corner to wait while gathering my wits. This theater was like nothing I’d ever seen before, with intricate, gold filigree along the molding and massively tall ceilings. It felt like I’d stepped back in time to the golden age of cinema.

I was halfway through my small bottle of water when the couple who’d been occupying the table a few feet from mine approached. She was a small black woman with waist-length twists and a face that was both angular and soft and spectacularly pretty. He was tall and pale with thick dark hair, and more handsome than anyone had any business being. His arm was wrapped around her tiny waist, keeping her as close to his side as he physically could without picking her up and carrying her.

I canted my head when they set their drinks down. “Hi,” I said.

The woman smiled. “We wanted to come talk to the hero of the night. I saw that girl go down, then you flew into action while I was frozen in shock.”

The guy nodded in agreement. “Total badass move, skidding around the bar the way you did. Mad props to you.”

I never got used to praise for doing my job. It made me slightly uncomfortable, although I knew they meant well. “Thank you, but it’s instinct. I’m a paramedic, so a switch flips in my brain when I see someone who needs medical attention. Thankfully, there weren’t any bodily fluids flying. I would have hated to ruin my pretty dress.”

The woman cringed. “Oh man, that would have sucked. As a new mom, I’ve had more outfits than I care to recall ruined by flying bodily fluids.”

I laughed. “It’s been twelve years since my daughter was born, but I remember those days way too well. Although, she was good about saving the barf for her dad.”

She picked up her glass. “My girl’s only six months, so we’re still in the thick of the bodily fluid phase.”

Her husband brought his hand up to the back of her neck, giving it a gentle squeeze. “We’re those parents who insert our baby into every conversation.”

I pressed my hand to my heart. “I get that on a deep level. Like I said, she’s twelve, and I’ll still blab about her to anyone who will listen.”

The woman leaned her head on her husband’s shoulder, smiling up at him. “This is our first overnight trip away from her and I was getting stuck in my feels watching you rescue that poor bartender. Thank you for not being weirded out by us invading your table.”

I waved her off. “Like I said, I’m a paramedic. This doesn’t even rate on the weirdness scale of things I’ve seen.” I leaned in, my gaze moving between them. “I feel sort of silly asking this, but I have a feeling one or both of you is famous. Am I right?”

The woman jerked her thumb at her man without missing a beat. “This guy is the rock star. Have you heard of Unrequited? I’d like to introduce you to Mo Aronson, lead singer, and my baby daddy. He has a song in the movie we’re all here for.”

I stuck my hand out, refusing to act starstruck. It was too late for that, having already spoken about baby barf. “I’m Kat Murphy. It’s really nice to meet you. My daughter is going to murder me with laser beams of jealousy when I tell her we met.”

He shook my hand, his grin charming as hell. It wasn’t anything like the almost-naughty smile Devon liked to throw around like an unpinned grenade. Mo’s smile had a sweetness to it while simultaneously heating my chest and cheeks. My reaction was probably also due to his band’s music playing on repeat around my house over the last couple years. Ellie had introduced me to them, but I’d become a fan in my own right.

“Mo. You’ll have to give me your info so I can get you backstage passes next time we tour. Wouldn’t want you murdered,” he said.

The woman started to offer me her hand, but paused mid-air, her eyes growing round as she looked Copyright 2016 - 2024