Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,6

flood of chaos behind when he left. His leather jacket and snug, worn jeans were the classic bad boy uniform. Except his appeared custom-made and probably cost more than my monthly salary.

Veego came up beside me, his hand on the middle of my back. “What do we have here? Any injuries?”

The guy in the car uttered a string of curses while I explained the situation. When I said I suspected he was driving under the influence, Veego’s eyes flared.

“Sir, how much have you had to drink?” he demanded.

Car guy growled and let his head flop onto the steering wheel. “Nothing. Same as I told your wife. I haven’t had a drop to drink in months. No pills, no drugs, I’m clean as a fuckin’ daisy. I drove too long, and I drifted off. I’m sorry as hell for wrecking your mailbox, but I’ll pay for the damage.” He raised his head again, directing his words at Veego, which I really hated. “Tell me what it’ll take to let me go on my way. I need to go to sleep for about twelve hours before I can think straight.”

Veego crossed his arms. “I don’t think I can let you drive out of here in this condition.”

I crossed my arms too. “And I don’t know if he should drive at all considering chances are he’s drunk off his ass.”

Car Guy groaned again. “You need me to take a field sobriety test? Got a breathalyzer? I can walk a straight line like nobody’s business.”

I shrugged. “I’d be cool with that. I don’t carry a breathalyzer on me, but…”

He guffawed. “I was kidding.”

“Mom? Is he okay?” Ellie crept up behind us, her and Leroy pushing between Veego and me to get a good look at the driver of the car. Veego’s hand clamped on her shoulder, stopping her from moving forward, but nothing could stop Leroy. He planted his paws on the man’s thigh and shoved his snout in his face.

Instead of the recoil I expected, Car Guy laughed, giving Leroy a good scratch behind his ear. “Hey, boy. You’re friendly, huh?”

I snagged my wayward dog’s collar, pulling him by my side and commanding him to sit. For once, he listened, but his eyes never left his new friend. I swore, someone could break into our house and murder all of us, but if the murderer gave Leroy a good belly rub, they’d be pals for life.

Traitor pup.

“Sir, can you tell me where you’re headed? Maybe I can drive you,” Veego suggested.

“Uh…” He picked up his phone from the cup holder beside him, lighting up the screen. “I’m supposed to go to 86 Main Street. Am I close?”

I stiffened, and Veego let out a surprised laugh. “Why are you going there?” I asked.

“I rented the place, so I’m hoping I’ll be able to lay my head down for some really fuckin’ good sleep.” His eyes shot to Ellie. “Sorry, little sister. I meant freaking.”

Ellie giggled. “You almost made it.” She pointed to the gray, clapboard cottage on the other side of a narrow copse of trees. “It’s right next door.”

His forehead crinkled. “No shit? I mean—fuck—shoot—freak. Ugh.”

Ellie laughed even harder. “Don’t worry about it. I’m in middle school. I hear far worse between classes.”

I was worried about it. This foul-mouthed asshole was moving in right next door? The look I gave Veego was full of daggers. Before I could say anything, he took control, holding out his hand to the aforementioned asshole.

“Guess this is a hell of a way to meet our new tenant.” Veego pointed between himself and me. “I’m Veego, and this is Kat. That’s our cottage, which makes us your landlords.”

Car Guy slapped his hand into Veego’s. “I’m Devon, and I’m glad you’re still willing to rent to me after my sloppy entrance.”

Were we still willing to rent to him? I certainly hadn’t been included in this decision. Veego and I co-owned the cottage next door, but he normally took care of renters and logistics, and…well, I normally didn’t care who stayed there.

But this guy? No thanks.

I’d had enough for the day. Veego was welcome to do his manly bonding with Devon, but I was taking my kid and my dog and heading inside. I gave them both one last mean-as-hell look before turning on my heel and striding toward my house.

Of course, their voices carried, so I managed to hear Devon’s laughter, followed by, “Don’t think your wife likes me too much.”

Veego’s chuckle. “She’s not my wife, and Kat’s a Copyright 2016 - 2024