Rocked (The Everyday Heroes World) - Julia Wolf Page 0,52

Not a guy like that.”

“I don’t think you know him well enough to say that.” I knew he wasn’t for me, not long term, but my defenses still went up when Veego said it.

“Don’t need to know him personally to be sure he’s not for you.” He huffed, his shoulders rising and falling. “I’ve googled him, babe. He’s an unstable bomb, bound to go off at any time and take out everyone around him.”

I sprinkled my hands through the air. “That’s awfully dramatic. It’s just a one-night trip, doesn’t matter. None of that matters.”

Finished with this line of conversation, I got up, dusting off my backside with my hands, then pulled Veego up too.

He laid his giant palm on the top of my head. “Are we okay?”

I knocked him away, like I’d been doing since forever, and his lips curved into a tentative smile.

“To be honest, I’m still pissed, and it might take a while to get over it, but I will.”

After a quick hug, I left him there, muttering to his flowers about not being able to believe I’d threatened to walk away from him for good. At the time, it hadn’t felt like only a threat, but maybe it was. Our history was too deep to shed each other fully. But if he ever pulled something like that again, he had better protect his balls or I’d have them in a jar beside my bed.



An early morning knock on my door always signaled Ellie, so I was surprised as hell to find Kat on my porch. She was dressed for climbing, those tight, tight leggings disguising nothing.

I leaned against the jamb, taking my time looking her over. “‘Morning, Lady.”

“Hey. When you’re done objectifying me, I’d like to know if you want to go climbing with us.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Who’s ‘us’?”

“My climbing group, plus Ellie and her friend Molly. Molly’s never been, so I thought you might feel less self-conscious going with someone on the same level as you.”

Her mouth moved, like she was biting the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing.

“Oh, you’ve thrown down the gauntlet, Kat. Now I’m going to have to defeat a little girl so I don’t lose your respect.”

The laugh she’d been holding back came bursting out, and her head fell on my chest. For a second, I was stunned by the contact, then I wasted no more time before taking advantage. My hands holding her ass, I dragged her into my house, closing the door and pressing her against it. She was still laughing when my mouth slanted over hers, shutting her up. Her arms circled my neck, pulling herself closer.

Tits pressed against my chest, my tongue deep in her mouth, I groaned. She felt too damn good, but I knew I wasn’t going to get to fuck her this morning. Not with Ellie home, and maybe her friend there too. Knowing that didn’t stop me from kissing her, though.

It didn’t make her stop kissing me either.

I felt like a horny teenager dropping off my girlfriend at her parents’ house. I’d keep kissing her and pushing the envelope until she told me to stop, hoping she wouldn’t tell me to stop. I groped her through the thick fabric of her hoodie, and she arched against my hand, mewling into my mouth.

A thump on the door had us jumping apart. Her eyes went wide, and her hand flew to her mouth.

“Mom! Let’s go!” cried Ellie from the other side of the door. “Devon! Me and Molly are bored.”

I laughed and adjusted my throbbing dick in my pants. “You’re gonna have to give me a minute, little sister,” I called out.

“Oh my god, I’m dying,” Kat whispered. “You tricked me into that.”

“Okay, Kat. If that’s how it’s gonna be.” I gripped her chin between two fingers. “That was all me, right?”

Her kiss-swollen lips curved, and fuck if I didn’t want to take her all over again, waiting kids be damned. “Yeah, it was. I don’t like you at all.”

“I know. I got the message.” I winked as I backed away, acting cool even though my heart was pounding in my chest. “I’m gonna go get changed and think about baseball for a while so I don’t scar the kids for life.”

When we got to the boulder we’d be climbing—in my case, attempting to climb and most likely making a fool of myself—I threw down Kat’s crash pad next to the others and took her backpack from her, setting it on the Copyright 2016 - 2024